[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
Can't wait for this! The new raid is gonna be sick!
Looks sweet!
I just really hope you guys don't over hype this stuff. I am glad and excited for the light level increase and new gear though.
I can't think of a worse way to waste $20 than to buy this DLC, honest to God. I really feel for you guys who ponied up for a season pass.
I miss Marty :'( also cant wait for the DLC. Winter is coming and i'm going to be wrapped up in my snuggie killing some Fallen. Guys it could be much worse, like we could all have Ebola.
I don't get why Xbox players are complaining so much about this, while they get early access to game dlc before psn users. Such as call of duty content. This is fair towards psn users so in no offense to Xbox users but you really shouldn't complain about a simple thing like this.
Edited by bransm: 10/30/2014 1:22:22 AMI see they marketed this as PS gets more, not XB gets less. No other way to do it. People need to realize this is DLC. It's not an expansion (as they've taken to calling it). All this will do is add to the rotation. It's adding to the rotation in regards to the story/dailies. It's adding to the rotation for strikes via weeklies/nightfall/tiger strikes. It's adding to the PVP rotation via maps. It's adding to the grind by adding more gear/weapons. I'm not saying this is good or bad. I'm just stating what this is. Everyone gets a little something. The problem I see with this, however, is that for Destiny to keep the players interested long term, they'll need to either make full game expansions (think WoW) or make it to where you can port your character to Destiny 2 (think Mass Effect). The issues with the WoW route, is that this game will need a complete overhaul. The maps don't support this play style and there is literally only one "town". The issues with the Mass Effect route is that I'm getting the vibe that this isn't what the players want. $60 for the purchase of this game and it feels like I bought a prologue. Destiny 2 will give me more of what I want? So another $60, plus the DLC's along the way? The problem I am having (personal gripe time) is that it's getting harder and harder for me to want to invest my time in something that I just don't know where it's headed. With Diablo, you knew what it was all about. Borderlands. WoW. CoD. Tomb Raider. Zelda. Mario. You know what those games are about and what your ROI will be. But in Destiny, what's our ROI?! I mean seriously.. There are those of us with multiple raid notches in our belt and little/nothing to show for it. Hours turned into nothing but frustration and angst. There are those of us whom have spent days - literally days - trying to "become legend", but where will that take us in the end? I don't know guys.. I wasn't one of the first to pull the plug on this game.. but it's looking like I definitely won't be the last.
How much is it going to be?
Y'all are crazy for complaining about this content. It looks amazing. http://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/75775418/0/0
Do you guys see this bs. So now you have to pay to compete. Lvl32 vs lvl 30 in the improved iron banner won't go over well. So you're basically going to have to pay to keep up. This is only the first of many dlc that you'll have to buy
new shaders? new codes to redeem?
I'm disappointed, but not surprised. Hope Bungie and Activision have fun with their $500 million budget for the ten years they supposedly have planned out. Between the sorry excuse of a game we have now and the even sorrier excuse of DLC that they just announced, I'd be surprised if Destiny 2 manages to make even 25% of the amount of money that the first game did.
After destiny has a solid base game people who got rid of destiny are gonna be looking sour in the face.
Love the game despite its flaws, but a second ps4 exclusive strike is kind of a bitch slap. 5 strikes are already getting old, one new one isn't going to spice it up enough. Grats ps4 dudes, I'm happy for you, just wish the exclusives stopped at launch ones
Way to go deej once again don't even acknowledge the voice of the players
[quote][url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url][/quote] Remember that game Titan fall.. Yeah I don't either..
Can't wait for dlc...love this game keep it up bungie don't listen to all the hate mail :)
Your game is boring. That is all.
Edited by toasted bacon : 10/30/2014 1:58:35 AMWait whats with the guy is that Crato ? Because it doesn't look like he can hold up that sword of his and plus why is the leader of the hive look exactly like a human just with 3 eyes ?
Edited by HomesickAlien: 10/30/2014 1:53:29 AMI can't wait to NOT buy this. That'll give me much more satisfaction than this game has ended up giving me. I only hope that somehow this massive failure teaches folks a lesson. If you have a killer idea, project, or anything else that you think will be successful make sure you don't let a billion dollar company come in and chop it to pieces and alienate your consumers. You've disappointed so many... Money isn't worth everything, not even a half a billion dollars.
This tiny ass DLC is supposed to hold out for 6 months til the next DLC in a game that is already dying a month post launch.... Lol.
first off I just want to say this is my first post since they changed the forums here, so be gentle lol. I was curious about something and wanted some feedback. I really enjoy this game and barely have time to get the current content done everyday. my favorite part about his game is going on patrol and just exploring the land looking for enemies, missions, treasures etc... I don't care much for the raid or pvp, I do however do the weekly heroics and nightfalls with my brother and find them enjoyable for the most part. I have noticed people are concerned about all the level 30's looking the same since the only way to get there is to do the raid. I was curious as to why there isn't different types of gear that can get you to 30 through other means, such as have a unique set of gear from story missions, another set from strikes, another one from patrols. this way people can hit 30 doing whatever they like to do and everyone would look different based on this. the other thing I was wondering is with my playstyle and interests would this dlc be worth the money, or should I just save my money?
Bungie, you need to drop Activision.
If you think I am paying for your DLC after all the BS I've had to endure in the last month I've played your game, Bungie, you are sadly mistaken.
I like the new ideas for the dlc and I don't get why these people are complaining to bungie! Bungie had what they wanted and were going to give it all to you in one go! Activision were the people that are money hungry so if you wanna complain then complain to activision not bungie!
This is some bullshit two exclusives for playstation and yet we're still not getting anything instead of putting crap out fix your bullshit loot system bungie... It's bullshit and your gunna loss the call of duty battle have fun