[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
It is sad watching a project self destruct. So even less content then the leak suggested and even lesd if you own an xbox. Did anyone here ever see The Producers? Anyway never preordering from Activision or Bungie again. Such a shame...
That's a slap in the face to Xbox players... WE SUPPORTED BUNGIE BUT YOU DO THIS TO US!! If your on xbox don't buy the dlc we made bungie and now it's their time to show us that they are thankful
No thanks. Not gunna pay full price for the Xbox DLC knowing that I won't be getting the full product. Just glad I didn't buy the season pass like I had considered. Hopefully the next DLC will be an equal product across both platforms.[spoiler]My hope's aren't high.[/spoiler]
This is to all the crybabies, you not gonna get what you want just like that, yea we run into a few problems, but we still keep playing this awesome MMO, im ready for dark below, those who complain too much, go waste your money on the new call of duty, people at bungie actually listen to the community, call of duty just throws some stuff in and leave you to it, nothing else happens! CODAW is gonna be garbage just like the rest of the series, enjoy this game, find something to do and shut up! If not, go be garbage on CoD cuz theres no room for crybabies on this game!
Im really excited for new content and it looks awesome. I have tbh though and say that for $20 and our stuff to do for months it looks srsly lacking. Im hopefull that this wont be the norm for content cycles, im understanding since its the first thing but if this is going to be how things go from now on i cant imagine ill stock with this game. When i play games, especially mmos i tend to play them almost soley woth my free time. This makes me clesr content quickly but mmos ive played in the past have been able to keep me playing for years with little break outside a few weeks here and there. Like i said though, im going to try and be optomistic and hope this is just so small because its the first dlc. Pls bungie, i want this game to be one i remember like morrowind or WoW. Either make future dlc bigger or add free content inbetween like most mmos and f2p games.
Why are we paying close to €35 for something already build into the game ? ... This game is amazing but bungie you really need to cop on a bit and give us more stuff
I just need a raid group yo... X1
The illuminati & corporations strike again !!
Edited by ll Draygar ll: 10/30/2014 1:31:16 AMAs an xbox gamer I don't really care that PS owners get more content. I played the beta, believed the hype, bought the game and the pass. I've played for hours and as games go I don't think what I've paid has been too high in comparison. What annoys me is that I believed the hype. The game is way more PvP than PvE when the hype assured us a balanced game where we could choose to play our way. Each patch, each update and now the first DLC do more and more to make me and eveyone else play how the creators want us to play. Still a great game, but would I believe the hype and trust Bungie or Activision again? I'm afraid I don't even have time to explain why I don't have time to explain...
Edited by xBOOTNAZx: 10/30/2014 1:28:16 AMPersonally, I wouldn't be opposed to spending $20 for the dlc.. However, for me, it's pretty much paying $20 for 2 levels and 1 raid which most likely will only be able to be done once a week like the current one (which is fine... But that to me doesn't seem $20 worth). -- don't get me wrong, the raid very well could be exciting, but it's probably a once a week (per char) thing. We may get another strike, but truly how often do people do current strikes anymore? Besides nightfall/weekly there's no strikes worthwhile. And the missions we will complete once although honestly missions are the boring parts to me -- I like the tough battles you can't solo and can get a decent reward from. With that said this is my first post 'hating' on the dlc because it is what it is... But that's just my thoughts about it and that for those 2 things it isn't 'special' enough to be worth $20. And for anyone who wants to hate on my post, be my guest.. Will I buy the dlc? Maybee since those 2 things Id like somewhat, but they don't really Pull me in saying 'I need/want this really bad' (My point is I, and many others, would like to see more interesting tails to our purchase rather than over half of it being something we won't care for at all)
Cool concept art.
Oh look. Butthurt people who didn't pay attention to details that were available months ago.
Before this patch i didnt get booted offline that much but now ever time i get on i get kicked to orbit in the middle of any event. They need to fix this it is annoying to get to the end of a strike only to get kicked and start all over. Or wven in the crucible when u get know cked at the end this is really frustrating.****** PLEASE FIX****"**
Grade A bologna
Edited by SithSaint : 10/30/2014 1:23:36 AMJump ship time
Excited!! So tired of all the crybabys and people who can't even complete in game raids without "exploits" or just skip to the boss. Love the game bungie keep up the good work.
Yeeeessssss! So ready for this.
Edited by Phizix: 10/30/2014 12:45:13 AMMy girl friend and I enjoy playing the game everyday! we cant wait to play the new content regardless of all the hate, rage, hissy fits, etc got our moneys worth so far.
Only 3 story missions wow that's gonna keep us waiting for the next dlc phhhh pathetic. I like the game but bungie messed up bad I can see a lot of people leaving there's really not a lot of people as is. More PVE less PVP!!!!
Keep up the good work. I will definitely be getting my money's worth from the amount of playtime I will be putting into the new DLC. This is a lot compared to some other game's DLC. What's up with all the complaints?
This just makes me thank god MCC is coming out soon cuz ain't nobody got time for this nickle and dime you for content crap
Be quiet Deej no one likes you.
I was really hopefully for Destiny. After EVERYTHING, I was still hopefully. But now, I hope MCC and AW destroys you. Diplomacy and a rational demeanor be damned. Get killed by the ghost of your past.
Looks awesome, can't wait.
So I'm paying the same amount as a PS owner, yet I'm getting less. At least have the decency for charging us less. It's completely unacceptable to charge more to owners of an xbox than owners of playstation. Seems like you guys are discriminating against us because We have an xbox. Idc what your beef with Microsoft is but please don't extend it to us. We are all contributors to your mission. We all work hard for our cash. We earn it, and chose to spend it on destiny because we xbox owners supported bungie throughout our Halo experience. We are the true followers of bungie. The xbox owners that loved all the halo titles. We're the real contributors to the success of bungie. Not sony. Us! The players that had OG xbox and the 360! We loved halo because of bungie. We "Loved" bungie...
Edited by Lost Sols: 10/30/2014 1:05:29 AMOkay DeeJ, here is my two cents. I can accept that exclusive content is the order of the day in the console business in 2014. That said, the way you all are approaching it is completely fracked. Your sin isn't in giving PlayStation owners exclusive content, it's [b]charging Xbox owners for content we don't receive.[/b] If you were to release [i]The Dark Below[/i] as a timed PlayStation exclusive for 3-6 months and then let us buy [i]the same content[/i], I think most of us would understand. Unfortunately, you've chosen to release the expansion to everyone and gimp one version, essentially giving half your community a giant middle finger. I'm curious if anyone at Bungie who claim to care about your fans and community in any way, actually go to bed at night believing it. Since Destiny was announced, I haven't thrown any stones over the perceived PlayStation favoritism because I understand that in the end, it's business. You make games to make money. The thing is though, even a business has to have a soul. If you want to create and sell content exclusively to PlayStation owners all day long, be my guest. Just don't charge me for their content. Here's hoping you all can find your soul again, because all the money in the world can't buy it back.