[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
Edited by Lost Sols: 10/30/2014 1:05:29 AMOkay DeeJ, here is my two cents. I can accept that exclusive content is the order of the day in the console business in 2014. That said, the way you all are approaching it is completely fracked. Your sin isn't in giving PlayStation owners exclusive content, it's [b]charging Xbox owners for content we don't receive.[/b] If you were to release [i]The Dark Below[/i] as a timed PlayStation exclusive for 3-6 months and then let us buy [i]the same content[/i], I think most of us would understand. Unfortunately, you've chosen to release the expansion to everyone and gimp one version, essentially giving half your community a giant middle finger. I'm curious if anyone at Bungie who claim to care about your fans and community in any way, actually go to bed at night believing it. Since Destiny was announced, I haven't thrown any stones over the perceived PlayStation favoritism because I understand that in the end, it's business. You make games to make money. The thing is though, even a business has to have a soul. If you want to create and sell content exclusively to PlayStation owners all day long, be my guest. Just don't charge me for their content. Here's hoping you all can find your soul again, because all the money in the world can't buy it back.
Hope the new armor is all purple because I love my exotic helmets I have now or a way to boost light on exsisting exotics. Just a thought. Also was there any mention of new classes or subclasses?
I just read that there xbox isn't getting the full DLC. Like come on this was one of the most anticipated games ever, and let's be honest, yes it's fun, but it didn't live up to all the hype. So if what i have read about the DLC and fixing the story why not give Xbox and Playstation the same stuff. All you're doing is hurting yourself. You give everyone equal content more people would want it. The longer you wait to give one side, whichever it is Xbox or Playstation, people will move on to other games. I love Destiny don't get me wrong but if you're releasing DLC, give it to everyone.
Can't wait. But Won't Crota be like the size of an average knight, I mean even we could wield his sword.
Hope you're prepared for roughly 50% of your players to jump ship Bungie. This DLC is surely a joke, a really, really bad joke.
Anyone wanna do the raid on normal? We have 2 looking for a group to do the raid with im a lvl 29 hunter with a lvl 29 warlock Xbox one Gamertag:stayedwicked702 hmu
[quote][url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url][/quote] Sorry off*... Stupid me
jESus....this dlc probably won't be anything special just like Destiny was, but I'm gonna nerd out nonetheless.
[quote][url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url][/quote] Dear destiny, PLEASE MAKE THE VANGUARD REPUTATION EASIER. I have been working my buttox of for a vanguard rank 2 warlock chest plate and helmet. Oh ya and one more thing... Please make the daily strike find players, because i have no friends... I live in my grandmas basement... Just kidding, although my friends are never on so it is impossible for me to get strange coins ~PLEASE READ~
For $20, there's not enough content here, especially as an Xbox One player - no playing the 2nd strike for an entire year? At least when CoD has an exclusive deal with Microsoft, others wait about a month, and then they can get all the content they paid for. Hard to justify dropping $20 on some (likely boring) story missions, 1 strike, 1 raid, and a few multiplayer maps.
Looks great can't want to install The Dark Below, the PS4 Ghost was worth it(Not that I denied it at any point in time). [b]FANTASTIC[/b] [spoiler]http://www.bungie.net/en/Legend/2/4611686018428465489/2305843009215367973[/spoiler]
Alright most of you do not know how mmo's work. Most mmo's charge a monthly fee of some sort. To keep the severs up, pay programmers, forum mods, everything that happens that you will never know about costs a lot of money. For a FF14, in example, it's 15$ a month or you don't play even if you buy a hard copy. If you even get a month or more out of this dlc then you are coming out a head of other mmo's. If all you want is a one off game wait for the next halo I'm sure they will happily charge you 15$ for a few multiplayer maps with no real new content. Unless you want to pay them every month?? However all dlc content should be available to all systems or the should charge less to Xbox players.
I am already bored with what little content is currently in destiny I refuse to pay for more weak content. I am tired of bounties and my 7 or 8 runs of VOG produced 1 piece of raid armor so I'm already bored with that. I don't think these new bounties and one raid are even going to be worth what you want to charge! I don't even feel like I got $60 worth of game in the fist place. Just saying... end rant!
Edited by Anti Gov: 10/30/2014 1:12:52 AMlol at the use of the word "new" It's hidden behind a pay wall and it's hardly "new".
Edited by solid stone1993: 10/30/2014 12:37:15 AMDidn't even notice the strike exclusive for sony. How much bullshit is bungie going to pull? It's like a toddler throwing a fit because their parents wouldn't give them what they want. For the community that made your company what it is, and kept it alive for 13 years, this is a real roll of quarters to the ass. So we have to pay the same price as PS users, but by the end of the year they will have 2 more strikes than us? I'm all for fair competition, play what you want, but when shit like this happens it only hurts the gamers. Glad I didn't buy the season pass. I'm not supporting bungie with anymore of my money. Not to mention this DLC is absolutely overpriced. These story missions will be the same "defend dinkle, shoot enemies" with lines of dialogue here and there. You'll only play them once and that's it. So you're paying $20 for 1 raid, 1 strike, and 3 multiplayer maps that you won't play because there isn't a map rotation. What the hell happened to you bungie?
[quote][url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url][/quote] Bungie have necome sellouts all your halo/xbox fans looking forward to destiny and then find out that the ps fans gets exclusives over ur longest fans
Are we gonna ignore the fact that Xbox has minecraft, Halo, and Gears Of War like wtf lol but everyone is stressing PS having an expansion for a game that half of them complain about it's lack of content and repetitive gameplay. Oh we are? Ok.
rip off
If Crota is smaller than the traveller I'm gonna be disappointed. This game is missing big giant scary bosses
Save those shards for the DLC ;).
So is this dlc free for psn players?
I can't wait..... For gta, dragon age and cod, coz this game will be dead. Maybe in 6 months it'll have more depth but right now grinding a raid to get from level 29-30 is wearing thin. And then u want me to pay £20 for the privilege of grinding a new raid to go up to level 32. 2 levels is all we increase? A handful of strikes/missions? On top of all the ongoing issues, the lack of variety, and the shit loot system u think I'm gonna pay more for this crap? I'm done, hopefully in 6 months I'll come back to all that was promised. Sort it out bungie.
CoD is looking better and better with every single word that bungie/Activision has said about this game... Already sold it for credit at GameStop, I plead with you all to do the same before this becomes the "norm" of gaming.
How are you going to publicly screw over Xbox users like that after I spent the same amount of money on your game? That's dirty as dirt bro.
I want that gun the titan is holding.
[quote]the surface of the Moon, a long-forgotten enemy wakes[/quote] How was Crota forgotten? He's constantly mentioned? [quote]Survive the Hellmouth, and stop a dark army from invading Earth.[/quote] "We gave them the moon hoping it would be enough." Really??? That would of been like giving Japan Hawaii during WW2 and expecting them to be content with the beaches. [quote]Expand your adventure with a wealth of new weapons, armor, and gear.[/quote] We haven't been given an adventure to expand upon? New weapons? You're having trouble making most of the weapons you have now worth using at all?! New armor? What's the point? Either the new legendary's are going to make my Vog raid gear worthless (which would make the entire first raid mean nothing, or the new legendary's will be less than the VoG raid gear therefore useless because if the new light level will be 32, then that means the new raids normal will be level 28 and the hard mode 32. Either way you're going to negate either the new or the old stuff. To reiterate, either the New legendary gear will give more/equal light than raid gear making the Vog Useless, or the new legendary gear will be useless because it gives less light than VoG gear. [quote]Complete new story quests and missions.[/quote] We're the other story quest and missions incomplete? (sure feels like it...) [quote]Take your Fireteam into a new cooperative Strike[/quote] Yay something else we can play over and over and over and over and over only to be told we're playing it wrong/too much/farming/exploiting...... [quote]and Raid[/quote] Again, Yay..... something else to make everyone look exactly the same because the only way to hit the new light cap is by farming (yes playing something over and over and over even if it's intended to be played over and over is still -blam!-ing farming) the new raid, then us showing you how broken your game is by finding yet more exploits to circumvent the grading curve you call a "difficultly level". [quote]three new competitive multiplayer arenas[/quote] Actually have nothing bad to say about this one... Except maybe stop trying to make everyone happy with nerfs. [quote]Find her in the Tower to complete her quests[/quote] More bounties to endlessly repeat (a.k.a FARM).