[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
[quote]the surface of the Moon, a long-forgotten enemy wakes[/quote] How was Crota forgotten? He's constantly mentioned? [quote]Survive the Hellmouth, and stop a dark army from invading Earth.[/quote] "We gave them the moon hoping it would be enough." Really??? That would of been like giving Japan Hawaii during WW2 and expecting them to be content with the beaches. [quote]Expand your adventure with a wealth of new weapons, armor, and gear.[/quote] We haven't been given an adventure to expand upon? New weapons? You're having trouble making most of the weapons you have now worth using at all?! New armor? What's the point? Either the new legendary's are going to make my Vog raid gear worthless (which would make the entire first raid mean nothing, or the new legendary's will be less than the VoG raid gear therefore useless because if the new light level will be 32, then that means the new raids normal will be level 28 and the hard mode 32. Either way you're going to negate either the new or the old stuff. To reiterate, either the New legendary gear will give more/equal light than raid gear making the Vog Useless, or the new legendary gear will be useless because it gives less light than VoG gear. [quote]Complete new story quests and missions.[/quote] We're the other story quest and missions incomplete? (sure feels like it...) [quote]Take your Fireteam into a new cooperative Strike[/quote] Yay something else we can play over and over and over and over and over only to be told we're playing it wrong/too much/farming/exploiting...... [quote]and Raid[/quote] Again, Yay..... something else to make everyone look exactly the same because the only way to hit the new light cap is by farming (yes playing something over and over and over even if it's intended to be played over and over is still -blam!-ing farming) the new raid, then us showing you how broken your game is by finding yet more exploits to circumvent the grading curve you call a "difficultly level". [quote]three new competitive multiplayer arenas[/quote] Actually have nothing bad to say about this one... Except maybe stop trying to make everyone happy with nerfs. [quote]Find her in the Tower to complete her quests[/quote] More bounties to endlessly repeat (a.k.a FARM).
You pay how much to go see a new movie? How long is that movie? Do you get a drink and popcorn? Just the one raid in this is going to be twice as long as that movie you payed more to go see (at least the first time through, and if your not carried by people who have already figured out the puzzles and boss fights) I say that alone is worth my $20!
Edited by Shadow_Lion_Zero: 10/30/2014 1:07:36 AMI sure as HellMouth hope you guys at Bungie are not going to force us to only use the Crota's End Raid gear as the only way to reach LVL 32 Light, because that would just be so LAME and CLICHE as HellMouth. (Not saying HellMouth was cliche, loved it. Favorite Area.) A much better idea would be to treat the previous Raid Gear like the Rare Sparrows that could be upgraded to be upgraded to Legendary Sparrows. In this way players could have the choice between their equally difficult to obtain Raid gear armor sets either from the Vault of Glass or Crota's End and they would both reach LVL 32 Light. The VoG gear set though would be more difficult to get up to 32 since you need to wait for Xur to drag his sorry ass back to the tower each weekend so player can buy whatever item is required for the upgrade. This idea should satisfy both Bungie and the entire community since we have all likely seen the leaked images of the CE Raid gear and let me tell you straight up Bungie, I'm willing to bet there are a lot of players out there who the feeling with me of not wanting to look like a -blam!-ING ORC just so I can reach the Maximum Light LVL OF 32!!! Not matter what new shader options your coming out with in the DLC!
Such crap. Who wants to bet the "new" armor is going to be 1 set per class.... On top of all the current bullshit bungie has us playing through Playstation gets 2 extra strikes than xbox... WHAT IM TRYING TO SAY IS IM -blam!-ING TIRED OF LOOKING FOR SPIN METAL AND PLAYING THE SAME 4 STRIKES TO GET SHITTY BLUE DROPS.
Sounds like a blast. New raid here I come.
Destiny: The Dark within your wallet In this DLC, we take your money and give you a few things unless you have an xbox. Then you get less things but it's okay because you get them a year after trading in destiny. I really don't want to get it out of protest, and it's not going to be worth the money... but it's so pretty. That's the problem though. EVERY piece of armour and poop brown ship on the disk is ugly and all this armour is gorgeous. Is it worth it?
Genuinely excited! :)
I've been playing Bungie and loving there games since halo:CA, I also enjoyed destiny immensely but I'm done supporting it. There continue support of ps4 I guess can be justified but asking me to pay the same price isn't, I'm officially done with Bungie into the change there bullshit policies.
Complete ripoff. Wish I didn't make the mistake of buying a collectors edition
I am super excited for this dlc, and while I do not agree with some of the choices I love this game and will be a continued player! Heck I even gaze lovingly at my guardian on the companion app haha. If I have to wait so what. All I know is I will be on this game for years to come, by no means is it the only game I am going to be playing. But it will always have a place in my library.
Edited by Warlord Con: 10/30/2014 1:05:56 AMThe DLC will be a waste of time, its just more of the same grinding sh@# we got in the full game. And its all content that wos in the game already, but wos cut prior to launch.
Can you really call it an expansion? It's seems more like add-ons to me.
New strike? As in singular?
Halo Is almost out and good bye destiny
To little content for to much money. Not that it matters because the game is unplayable right now. And when the dlc drops it won't work for three days because of error codes. Calling it
Ok so are we still using the same ascendant materials to upgrade gear?
This is -blam!-ing bullshit. Bunjie logic: let's get players to spend between £40-£50 for a game with such a short story and constant repetitiveness, to then charge for an expansion that adds a couple of things... How about adding more content to the initial game to give players their money's worth instead of being money grabbing -blam!-ing -blam!-s.
Stop going on with your selves, you all know your going to buy the Dlc or move on to modern advanced warfare opp's or mcc or some other game, you know you going to just incase it gets better
Edited by diegofreak: 10/30/2014 12:36:04 AMOh ok we can comment in here? Because we cant comment on the new patch!!! My guess, you (Deej) and bungie knew that so much dog-shit and hate would fill your screens, it was better to leave locked for comments. Very mature and professional for a such Big Company like Bungie...keep ignoring your players, I just hope Bungie bought a nice coffin with that 500 million because death is creeping towards this project.
When is the dragon dlc coming (;? Cool update
$ ≠ £ ≠ € As a UK xbox player, I pay for less content than PS and then I [b]pay more again[/b] because Bungie's decided exchange rates are meaningless.
I'm a big fan of bungie and had high hopes for the expansions after getting to play destiny and what's been released so far. When I originally purchased the game the cashier at GameStop informed me the expansion was going to contain a new planet. In fact I was told two planets would be released between the next two dlc releases. Today I find out that Bungie will not be releasing any new planets and I had to call Gamestop with my concerns. I was told that it was part of they're sales pitch to advertise these two planets with the expansion packs. I was given a coupon for GameStop because of this confusion. Bungie why was GameStop told this? I feel like I deserve a refund because now I find I paid 35$ for content barely matching 1\3 of what's in the original release. Why am I paying so much for so little on Xbox and why were there false statements made about your dlc's waiting to be released?
IM ONLY GOING TO BUY THIS IF YALL FIX THE CONNECTION ERRORS. It's just way too much money for me to spend on when I get nothing out of it because y'all can't fix y'all's connection crap. Ps. This doesn't mean I don't like the game. I'm just making a smarter choice and won't pay for something I don't even get. So please get your WORK done so we can do this. Peace
Ugh, I haven't regretted preordering something this much since Brink... I wouldn't have bought the limited edition with the season pass if I knew the dlc was going to be filled with time exclusive content. Actions speak louder than words. Tell bungie this dlc junk! Speak with your dollars and don't give bungie anymore undeserved money! They'll hear our message if we can get a couple million people to boycott future dlc.
Ugh, I haven't regretted preordering something this much since Brink... I wouldn't have bought the limited edition with the season pass if I knew the dlc was going to be filled with time exclusive content. Actions speak louder than words. Tell bungie this dlc junk! Speak with your dollars and don't give bungie anymore undeserved money! They'll hear our message if we can get a couple million people to boycott future dlc.
[quote][url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url][/quote] I need other players on the ps4 to play the vault of glass good players on the ps4 that have mikes