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10/29/2014 11:13:17 PM

The Dark Below

[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
#News #Destiny

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  • I hear you can enter the raid with a team of 6 but this is a bug that the developers are working on fixing in February... But on a serious note, I like the hunter mask and look forward to earning it in December. Thank you for the update.

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  • Edited by TheAzarekTTV: 10/30/2014 12:50:39 AM
    All xbox whiners plz, plz cry more. Thank you.

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  • At least we have masterchief collection on 11/11

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    2 Replies
    • Why do you market this under "expansion" when even a Call of Duty tard could tell you its not? This is a DLC, with the amount of content it has, its a 9.99 DLC you're selling for double the price and market it as expansion to fool unaware soccer moms and brogamers. Pathetic strats.

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    • Very excited Deej! Can't wait to see how the new character's story plays out! Only bicker I have is that I have to wait longer to play the second strike for PS players until next year, but I guess that's what I get for playing on xbox. I'm patient though, and I'm sure that this dlc will be well worth the wait.

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    • Isn't this what we just did with phogoth?

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    • I'm down for a nightfall raid on xboxone if you want to invite me my username is kingkong9510

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      • You all can bite it I am trading this back in for codaw

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      • Suck my D I C K Bungie! *pisses on your dlc*

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      • That's not a lot of content. This better be under £10 otherwise I don't see a point

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      • DeeJ you should have turned off the ability to comment on this post. Good luck, dude.

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      • Edited by alpha wolf1504: 10/30/2014 12:57:26 AM
        Is this release date for all platforms or what? Does last gen not get the DLC?

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      • Edited by CerberusHelix: 10/30/2014 12:56:43 AM
        Finally my 30 Warlock's and Titan have something to do...just have to wait.

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      • Everyone complaining about one strike is hilarious. I mean, come on! It's a strike! You know those things that are boring anyways. The only fun pve in the game is raids and nightfall.

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        9 Replies
        • I hate you [spoiler]deej[/spoiler]

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        • Edited by Umbrella3121: 10/30/2014 12:42:55 AM
          Always positive and negative people posting, but I found that negative people post a lot more than very happy satisfied players. Keep up the good work guys, I can't wait to play the 2 coming expansions (that I already paid for btw) , and looking forward to many more. Die hard Destiny fan

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          • MONKEY

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          • God this forum is a cesspool. Anyways, wanted to say whoever did the art on that. It looks good. Especially at the bottom with that Hive guy standing on that platform.

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          • Am I missing something? No where does it say anywhere that the DLC will not be released in December for the XboxOne...

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            • Sweet! Can't wait for December!

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            • My question is about the level raise. So since it is raising to 32 and we need the current raid gear to reach 30, would be able to bypass the current set and get the new set to go right to 32? Or do we have to progress from 30 to 32? I am positive this has been mentioned before but I am way to lazy to look it up and I was just curious if anyone had a thought on it.. Dont make fun of me!

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              7 Replies
              • It'd be nice if you guys didn't decide to screw us over with the Playstation exclusive crap. We all paid just as much money for this game as they did, and you're screwing us because you have beef with Microsoft. Real mature guys. I have lost even more respect for you now. Can't grow up and give people what they pay for. I really don't know how much longer I'll be playing this lackluster title after reading this. I guess it'll be back to Call of Duty for me. At least they know how to put together a good shooter. Piss poor job guys. I'm extremely disappointed in you. Hope you have fun losing more people. You barely give us any bungie bounties anyway. What else is new. Might as well just pull down my pants and bend over for yet another non-lubricated screwing. So go ahead and keep nerfing and patching the only things that make this game bearable. I honestly hope this game turns around, because at this rate you won't make it to 5 years of destiny, much less 10. Good luck. And may the banhammer be with you.

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              • I'm excited but pissed at the same time. 1) who the **** is Crota 2) why does he look like a retarded human 3) is there going to be more of a story line now

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                34 Replies
                • Edited by LuminousNine: 10/30/2014 12:52:49 AM
                  What the HELL barely new content and even shorter for your Xbox fans Bungie if we paid for this dame game we expect everything to come equal how are you going to give PS Fans ( no Offence ) an extra strike mission for the expansion they already have 1 up on us on mars. YOU NEED TO GET YOUR HEAD OFF ACTIVISIONS D**K and start listening to your freakin investors we the dame players you'll smash weapons and boss because were speeding thought the levels that you thought were going to take us days to complete but not fix audio and gate problems in the raid. You need to take control or your baby (Destiny) or it is going to be set to the foster home (Gamestop) and not be adopted ever.

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                • So call me stupid, but what is going on now? What's wrong with the Xbox?

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                  8 Replies
                  • Did they say "A" new strike. 1 strike seriously. I bet there's only gonna be like 3 or 4 story missions if that. And I bet all the new gear is exclusive to the raid.

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