[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
Did they say "A" new strike. 1 strike seriously. I bet there's only gonna be like 3 or 4 story missions if that. And I bet all the new gear is exclusive to the raid.
So to my understanding it's 3 new missions one more strike one more raid some gear level cap increased two levels 3 new crucible maps two of which are for arena play ? Sounds like after a week or three it will be boring to me.
I'm deeply hurt because I now feel like I you guys at Bungie purposely screwed the Xbone over even though it's just business in this industry. You've favored other gamers using different consoles you twits. Everyone knows the pain now on both the Playstation and Xbox families. Thanks Bungie, for removing some content I wish I could play but now I won't since I don't I see myself playing your game as much.
Why is it the date of reliece dose not show alternate date? Do we even have evidence xbox will not receive this content at the same point of time?
DeeJ p.p.p.please don't do this to me. P.S. I've already got the season pass and I don't want a refund, I just feel like I got -blam!- by a camper with a gravity hammer.
Looks good. Bring it!
Too little too late. I'll pass.
This forum is a seething cauldron of anger.
Who wants to bet microsoft points that the destiny xbox servers will be shut down by this time next year?
Yeah problem with this is most people can't get to level 30 because the raid drop is freaken broken! Much less getting the vex mythoclast! Fix your crap bungie
All PS4 braggers. Plz, Plz shut up. Thank you
You aren't taking it out on Microsoft you are taking it out on your fans.
Edited by Tut813275: 10/30/2014 12:50:04 AMEach new batch of exclusives should be for a month only. A year is freaking crazy. But with this, it's proof they expect people to be playing for that long which means there will be a lot more content put in the game. I hate the way exclusives are going and I'm a ps player...it sucks.
You know what's funny for ps users they may get "exclusive" content but only cus bungie is gonna use that money to give Xbox better shit than ps users so umm thank you ps users for paying for my better content just a thought for ps users running off at the mouth
http://kotaku.com/destinys-new-dlc-kinda-screws-over-xbox-players-1652294153 I'll just leave this here
Edited by Troylockdown: 10/30/2014 12:48:31 AMComplete and utter trash. Wish so badly I could refund my season pass. How naive of all of us to believe these "DLC's" would fix anything about this shitty husk of a once brilliant game.
[quote][url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url][/quote] It would be great if you can fix the bee error as its -blam!-ing annoying i didnt get it before the update patch this please and the halloween lanterns dont friggin work half the time
This stuff looks pretty cool!
Looks good. Give me my raid gauntlets so I can hit 30 well before this hits, and please don't close the Vault of Glass. I like it.
I have been a passionate Bungie fan playing on Xbox for a decade. I was fine with exclusives for the game launch, but in an expansion pack it is ridiculous. The game has broken sales records, I don't think there is anyone left that hasn't bought it, so what does Bungie hope these exclusives will accomplish? Everyone interested in this pack have already made their platform choice. All this accomplishes is alienating millions of passionate fans like me. I am not going to go out and buy a PS4 to start building my legend all over again and I'll likely not be interested in lvl 18-20 strikes in a year from now. I'll instead just have to take Bungie down off of the pedestal I have put them on for years and realize that me and millions of Xbox fans are just being used as tools to jab the knife deeper into Microsoft. I get that you guys want to stick to them, but the message has already been sent. Don't make us suffer, we were the ones that were always on your side.
I thought I could find plenty of story telling contents when the DLC comes out because the Bungie have not shown any 'story' yet. Disappointing.
Xbox users should really stop complaining.... It was well publicised that ps4 users would be getting exclusive content... Should have bought a ps4! Super keen for this to drop though!
No news on third subclass? Is that coming at some point?
To all those on xbox 1, I am on 360 and this web site http://www.ign.com/articles/2014/06/20/destinys-ps4-and-ps3-exclusive-content-to-last-until-fall-2015 says clearly that in june 2014 that xbox will wait until "fall 2015" for exclusive content for psn on the dlc packages!
[quote][url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url][/quote] All u baby mother -blam!-ers is do is complain all the time shut the -blam!- up and play or don't play but stop leaving ur little shit filled diaper baby comments on her bungie is not ur mom who has been giving u everything u have ever wanted every game is missing something and ever game have stuff others don't so shut the -blam!- up
Look at all the stuff this comes with! 3 cookie cutter story missions that should have probably shipped with the game, a raid I'll never be able to play, I strike I won't be able to play until "Fall 2015," weapons and armor(and light level increase) which will most likely only be obtainable through the Raid and/or Strike, and 3 new maps for Crucible(a mode I don't really care for)... Yeah, that's totally worth the $20 for me! Jk, I'm not buying this. And I hope more people will follow suit.