[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
Look at all the stuff this comes with! 3 cookie cutter story missions that should have probably shipped with the game, a raid I'll never be able to play, I strike I won't be able to play until "Fall 2015," weapons and armor(and light level increase) which will most likely only be obtainable through the Raid and/or Strike, and 3 new maps for Crucible(a mode I don't really care for)... Yeah, that's totally worth the $20 for me! Jk, I'm not buying this. And I hope more people will follow suit.
Well...... Things are going to get very interesting
Why not add the cross platform play... Or at least same family 360-1 and ps3-ps4. I'd pay extra for that ability.
For all you ppl needing fireteams, visit DestinyLFG.com that site is amazing. Plenty of people willing to help with whatever you need. I'm also available on XBone. Lvl 29 Titans.
As a player who has the Xbox One version, I can honestly say I'm happy for the PS3/4 players that are going to get this DLC sooner. Of course, that doesn't mean I like this idea, especially since us Xbox players have to wait until 2015, but hey, look on the bright side. We get Sunset Overdrive and Halo, two games exclusive to the Xbox One. (I know there's more, but I really don't feel like listing them all.)
How come in the information there isn't a sign that just says "oh and by the way, this is all for play station. -blam!- you Xbox. See you next fall."
Please stop blocking comments on the posts you know we're opposed to. It shows a complete lack of interest in honest criticism.
sandstorm darude
So i am going to need a Refund for my Season pass on Xbox. You should have let us know it was going to be limited before offering a season pass
How do you guys expect us to buy dlc when we still can -blam!-in play the regular game due to dam errors
Edited by RobertKappa: 10/30/2014 12:31:39 AMIt would of been nice to know upfront that another strike would be locked out on Xbox. If this wasn't a paid update I could understand it but this is like going to the gas station and getting less gas for your money just because your drive a chevy and not a ford. I'm declaring this as HORSECOCK.
Aw yea!! It's on!! Light levels extended to 32...interesting new character Eris (what bleeds from her eyes??)...Black Garden Crucible map!!(oh snap)... Yea I'm pretty excited about this!!
Edited by PurpGreen: 10/30/2014 12:38:46 AMJeez are people that cheap? Are there really that many people without jobs? Im pretty sure even if you're making minimum wage (at least in the US), it would only take about 2-3 hours to make $20 (am i wrong? I wouldnt know, minimum wage is high over here and i make more than it lol). Most people over 30 years of age make $20 in less than an hour (purely an assumtion based on personal experience). So with all that content, it should keep the average Destiny player occupied for at least that same amount of time, probably more, considering the raid should take 1-2 hours on the first attempt. That seriously isnt worth it? Idk. Everyone has way too much expectation. Sure, three story missions doesnt sound like enough to make up for the lack of story already being an issue. But, with all that other content, it sure sounds more worth it that most popular games' DLC. Cough cough CoD cough cough. Yes i already purchased the season pass, so maybe i am just making an excuse for why i did so, but i also believe that most of the negative feedback on here is extremely biased and misinformed. This is a preview of the content, and we have yet to experience it, so there is no way to know for sure. I just hope when December 9 rolls around, i am still as optimistic as i am now. I am excited for The Dark Below, but of course, Bungie, theres always room for more. Keep listening to the feedback and make proper adjustments. Thats all you can do.
I can't even play the current raid cause there's no matchmaking, and subsequently can't get over level 28 on my characters. Should I pay for more content with another raid I can't participate in????
The dlc was taken out of the game if you try hard enough you can get into those sections and collect ghosts lol. My friend has 64
So as British player on the Xbone I have to pay 50% more than an American PS4 player, for 15% less content. Or, buy MCC and get 100 maps, 4 campaigns, a live action tv series and a beta for the price of a Destiny season pass. Not a hard choice.
Looking for two level 30s for hard mode raid. PSN Dazza_7447
Seeing the Xbox kids cry is the greatest prize, forget the expansion I'll pay 20$ just for the tears of salty Xbox brats :)
Hey, bungie since you guys like to answer questions every week, riddle me this. Why is it that I paid the same amount as a sony platform user for the game and expansion pass yet I get less content? Is my money and less green? Does it have less value? What in the heck are you guys problem? At least give the xbox players a REASON why you are screwing us over, why we have to wait a year to get things that comes standard for sony platforms. We just want to know why. Also since I won't get all of my content to till next year I would like a refund of about $10.
I too was disappointed, so I decided to research that Eris chick and found some cool stuff. Now I'm kinda excited again. http://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/75843437/0/0
Honestly, his game is good but also bad. A $500 million game and to have so less content on its release is really pathetic. Honestly, the only reason I play, is for the Raid, the Weekly reset, and upgrading my exotic and legendary gear. There isn't much that this game offers as of right now. I find it really stupid. PVP is horrible and so is the story and dialogue in it. The bounties are repeat which is dumb, but for so little content in a big invested game is really poor quality. Now to address the fact that about the bundles between Xbox and PS, I find even worse. For some of the people that read the comment and reply cause they are fans of PS, think about it this way, if you got the Xbox version, paid the same price as the bundle for the PS version but got less, wouldn't you be mad about it to? I didn't but the bundle cause I saw no point. I only wanted the game and expansion pass. Now one thing I did find impressive, was on the 2nd day pf launch, on the Dashboard of my 360, they advertised that if I buy Destiny digital, I get the One upgrade free, along with buying digital Expansion Pass. Glad I waited to buy it. All in all, for release of this game, the hype was good but died down so fast. This game could have done way better on release in my opinion. I am mad about the fact that we have to wait a year to get what Playstation has, but I at the same time don't care cause this game got boring so fast. Even CoD is better at launch. Even Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel has me going. Borderlands doesn't have as much sales as Destiny or investment but still has more on launch then Destiny does. Now I find that horrible. Im still getting the Expansion but I am hoping that this game and the developers do pay plenty of attention to what they do from now and really look at everything that is said about the game instead of ignoring it
Jeej Finally another raid option! I find vog no fun at all so a new option is nice. Oh pls cut back on the jumping puzzles! And don't forget the increased vault space ;-)
Ummm... I'm really lost here... What is it [u]exactly[/u] that XBusers are so worked up about? Seriously... ...I'm so confused..!
So I know the PS4 has exclusivity and such... When does the Xbox One get to see the 2nd strike?
Thanks DeeJ Can't wait Already purchased :-)