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10/29/2014 11:13:17 PM

The Dark Below

[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
#News #Destiny

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  • When both sides are unhappy then it's fair.

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  • Bungie why you do dis :,(

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  • $20 for a raid and 3 maps...

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  • What about some 1v1 in the tower????? We need some one on one no holds barred, challenge each other!!!!!!!!!!!!! It could be no guns or just primary, or a whole map one death for the win with all ammo. What does every one else think???

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    • "Build on your legend" More like "Build up our wallets"

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      4 Replies
      • My season pass better have the extra strikes for free, since we're paying the same price, for less content, BEFORE you even announced this. Do you guys have a customer service number I can call for a refund?

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      • Its F U C K ING bull that PS users get exclusive content when we pay the same price as they do for online services and dlc, but the difference is xbox users have been loyal to you guys since halo, i never heard of any PS user ever switch to xbox just to play halo.......

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        55 Replies
        • Why did they sell the dlc for xbox if you have to wait a year for it. If I knew that I would have waited and bought it later. I could care less if ps gets it first, I just would have like them to say the dec. release was for ps only.

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          4 Replies
          • Really? All these complaints about what content and how much is being released and for how much money.... Don't buy it if you don't like it. Stop complaining about the game and move on to something you do enjoy.

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            12 Replies
            • Crota' half human???? Waaaaaat?!

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              5 Replies
              • I have never seen so many people cry about 20 dollars! If your crying about that money I think you should get off the couch, work and maybe the dlc content will last you more than a week!

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                6 Replies
                • Edited by MrStrats: 10/30/2014 12:36:25 AM
                  Dude. I've been hating on bungie and DeeJ for a good bit now, but this was all I wanted... I wanted to see a post that at least showed some incite to the future updates. So effing excited for the new raid.. 2 raids in one week, more strikes to rotate through and more missions.. Im set with just he raid, but the extra stuff is legit too..

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                • As one of the adults out here. Why are we Xbox One owners paying the same for content that has a delayed release? Regardless if we are PS4, Xbox One fans. At the end of the day, we're all having fun gaming. We know both companies feel the pockets of studios like yours, that's fine. But delayed content for either system I feel hurts everyone. To say you enjoy one system over the other we all know is part of marketing because at the end of the day. You could care less, you want to see Destiny on every console.

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                  6 Replies
                  • Hmm... does this mean that I should get PS4? Right now Destiny won't let me play on Xbox 360... (screw you centipede) and I want BloodBorne... but most of my friends are on Xbox One, so I won't have any partners for Destiny. Plus, I'll have to rebuy online membership and Destiny. So should I get PS4 or Xbox One? Being more accustomed to the Xbox's, and having friends as well as online for the xbox, I tip my hand towards it, but BloodBorne is no joke and is definitely going to be good, and I'll get to play Destiny again. But it'll definitely chew up cash. Getting the PS4, online and BloodBorne will still cost ~540 without Destiny, but if I get Xbox One, I won't need to buy a completely new membership, I'll have friends, but I won't have BloodBorne and I'll be sad. Any advice? :/

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                    11 Replies
                    • I'll buy this no doubt but gotta say xbox -blam!-ed.

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                    • This looks like the shit! Might take a while to come, (that's what he said) but looks awesome!

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                      • PS4 master race!

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                      • I am just glad there is something new. Confirmed something new that is, all though I don't like the wait of it.

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                      • Without Xbox BUNGIE wouldn't be anything and now they screw us over

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                        6 Replies
                        • It looks beautiful in third person but are those lighting effects going to look as good in first?

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                        • Lol... DLC? Don't make me laugh

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                        • Destiny is an epic game no doubt but when they think they can cut content an then sell it back to us like the money grabbers they are aslo its one strike an a couple of extra missions an odd weapon that wont count for shit because they will nerf shit out of it what bull shit is this the game has no goals anymore the dlc should be another planet with more enemeys an content or maybe even a dlc dedicated to PvP like have a massive arena based on rome where you fight vex fallen an hive exotic beast while also fighting other gaurdians for survival end result maybe becoming grand champion where people can issue duels chalanges maybe even host aswell these are odd ideas that could be easly done but nooo we get an extra stike boo -blam!- you bungie have an amazing game idea an you have basicaly tied a nuse around its neck an lit a flame upon the rope end result it will an is gonna die but bungie should have thought yes we cut alot out so as an appolgy they should add more into dlc not just these little odd things it is silly of course i will buy it an ill enjoy it but bungie has bought many more issues upon themselves by trying to gain more money instead of actually creating a game that could have potentialy taken over the rpg world the concept of game is masterpiece but content an norrow minded ideas of what they think people really want has started people turning away an waiting for the next hyped pile of shit which is a shame i only say this as bungie wont keep adding stuff if people loose interest so hope they realise this

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                        • -blam!- you Bungie/Activision. Screw us out of content, we are your customers. You want to screw over Xbox that's fine make PS only games instead of screwing your fan base with a cross platform title.

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                          7 Replies
                          • Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck you bungie. 12 years of following you faithfully and this is what we get. XBOX gamers MADE YOU. p.s. Your ceo gargles man gravy.

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                            42 Replies
                            • Wow, 2 whole levels! And 3 new story missions with a few other super minor things thrown in?! That is so cool! Completely worth 20$!!!!!!!! So glad I got a ghost edition for a game that has gotten so boring already. I was stoked for the release of this game. .... until I realized that I want getting a game but something so short it was more like itself was dlc..... the whole game of destiny is how much content should be in your dlc. Not just a few minor things. Now I'm not going to blame just bungie, I'm almost certain this is primarily the work of Activision. And while they are hurting you, you shot yourself in the foot for siding with them. I used to love bungie, still do, but your work with destiny had shaken my faith in you guys. I know you can do better than this.

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                            • By the way, half the gear that is shown looks exactly like the gear I have just with a new shitty paint job.

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