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10/29/2014 11:13:17 PM

The Dark Below

[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
#News #Destiny

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  • By the way, half the gear that is shown looks exactly like the gear I have just with a new shitty paint job.

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  • So.... Guy has green powers... Think it may be a hint at a possible future element and subclass?

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    • Xbox players should simply boycott Bungie !!

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    • [quote][url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url][/quote] Deej. You guys said so many things. And this is what you back your words with. Bull shit. Take destiny and shove it.

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      • That Thorny Auto Rifle..... I WANT ONE!!!

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        • I am very dissapointed with this. The PS exclusive strikes, the content you get for €20/$20 and the available content right now. The game is good but could easily been great. You always talk about exciting times to come, but this is far from it. I hope the wave of dissapointment will change this in future expansions, or even better, without expansions. You owe us that much

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        • I have both consoles. Got this for the Ps4 instead of my one solely because they clearly favored Sony over the other and all my buddies are on the ps4. Remember the days where Halo was for Xbox only? Well, money talks. It's not cause 44.99 isn't 44.99, but because Bungie has obligations with Sony. It's all about money talking.

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        • Hey, bungie since you guys like to answer questions every week, riddle me this. Why is it that I paid the same amount as a sony platform user for the game and expansion pass yet I get less content? Is my money and less green? Does it have less value? What in the heck are you guys problem? At least give the xbox players a REASON why you are screwing us over, why we have to wait a year to get things that comes standard for sony platforms. We just want to know why.

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          28 Replies
          • To everyone whining: [b]feed me your tears[/b] They are delicious.

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            • And whatever happened to all the gear promised, all the armor is the same more or less.

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            • Another common Xbox complaint is that it's gonna come out in a year. All they said was 2015, for all anyone knows it could be January 1st that you guys get it, just relax a bit guys.

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              • We pay the same amount but get less content than the play station. Yay.

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              • Edited by GeorgeBaggy: 10/30/2014 12:15:13 AM
                Who else isn't buying it? I've never seen so little content offered for this price. And what is this garbage about Xbox players getting less content? Bungie what is wrong with you? What are you even thinking? It's like you're actually trying to shrink your fan base. You spread your cheeks for Activision in order to spurn Microsoft, but they're the ones who are undoubtedly laughing at you.

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                • Watch this video before spending your money. You have nothing to lose!!!!! Be smarter than zombies with money to throw. We are not profit we demand a real experiance. [b]DONT GET CHEATED WE ARE BETTER THAN ACTIVIONS CALL OF DUTY WE NEED TO BE HEARD![/b] Http://

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                • Chill out bas

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                • With the last update I got the wasp error code and haven't been able to play. I uninstalled it and reinstalled it but I keep on getting the error code. Someone please help me

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                • Build on these nuts. Go ahead Destiny, be brave, go on and decrypt these bold brown engrams. Betchu wont get what youre hoping to. 😉

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                  • No biggie guys, AW will be out in a week. I'll just give Destiny a break. Once I'm able to fully get the DLC I'm paying for and if I'm still interested I may buy it then.

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                  • How the -blam!- are ps users getting more stuff. people on xbox have supported you all these years you piece of shits

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                    • All this crying and you idiots are still going to buy it and still are going to play Destiny Xbox sucks anyway

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                    • Edited by XxDeadpoolZxX: 10/30/2014 12:24:52 AM
                      Bungie, I love the game. I've been waiting forever for an FPS like this and have been so stoked every time I log into play. Although there are some flaws and the release content seemed to be lacking, Destiny is still an overall sweet game. I'm excited about the DLC and the additional content. I pre-ordered the game and the DLC expansion pass. I know you guys are busy tweaking the game to enhance the player experience and look forward to some fresh Destiny content. It seems to me that Bungie released the game incomplete for some reason. Not sure if it was time constraints, budget issues, outside pressure etc. but there are some missing pieces to the puzzle. Until the gamers are satisfied with a fix, compensation through DLC or rewards you, Bungie, will continue to be plagued by the masses. Obviously Bungie has made some big errors in execution and I think the fans need some recompense. I'm not sure how Bungie plans to do this, but I hope Bungie make things right for all of the loyal customers. Many of the players feel duped or cheated out of their hard earned cash. Bungie is an innovative company that has blazed the path in a new genre of games. I look forward to playing more Destiny, more upgrades, content and patches. Thanks for releasing the DLC! Can't wait!

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                      2 Replies
                      • The PS3/4 versions get two strikes with the DLC, xbox version only gets one. Xbox players do t get the second one u till Fall 2015. And we have to pay the same price. How is this fair Bungie? I know Microsoft shafted Bungie, but now the players will be getting affected. It sucks!

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                          Once again, Bungie has left the Xbox players in the dust. We have a right to be pissed this time too. I can understand some exclusive content at release, but for the love of God! Yeah, thanks. I like my limited-content games with some exclusive content that I DONT HAVE ACCESS TO! I sit here and think about what could be going through the minds at Bungie. They advertise "Become Legend" but in reality they are trying to tell us "Become A Playstation Player And Get Rewarded Because Why Not" What I hate the most though isn't just the fact that I get punished for not playing Pony Slaystation, but that AGAIN I get revoked of content that I paid for. I pay the same price as the guy next to me, but I get less because I play Xbox. To PS users, this is just another rant, but the truth has always been here. And honestly the truth hurts like hell. Thanks Bungie.

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                        • Refund My season pass if you are going to withhold content from Xbox Players

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                          • Edited by Zeek730: 10/30/2014 12:30:25 AM

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                          • Am I the only one who can't actually read any of the dark below shit like the page is broken when I click the link it's all covered in white dots and shit

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