[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
Am I the only one who can't actually read any of the dark below shit like the page is broken when I click the link it's all covered in white dots and shit
Good god! Cry, COD, this, moan, COD, that. What does COD have to do with Bungie? Shut it with the COD stuff, find another line.
-blam!- you bas
You know I am not usually one to join in on the bashing and usually dont speak my mind about things like this, but this is getting out of hand. You guys need to take your heads out of your asses and realize, that you're not hurting microsoft like you want to, and realize that you're only hurting the people who buy your game. People love your game! And will love it no matter what system it is played on. So get over you beef with microsoft and start focusing on what matters.
Hey, bungie since you guys like to answer questions every week, riddle me this. Why is it that I paid the same amount as a sony platform user for the game and expansion pass yet I get less content? Is my money and less green? Does it have less value? What in the heck are you guys problem? At least give the xbox players a REASON why you are screwing us over, why we have to wait a year to get things that comes standard for sony platforms. We just want to know why.
Ha "wealth".
Deej I don't mean to be mean or rude at all or to offend you. Im going to buy the DLC eventually but please tell me if you really here our side? You usually say that you are supporting us and hear all of our voices here on these forums yet some actions are proven to not be so. Other than that I wanted to say thank you for bringing this great game to us, it might have flaws here and there but it's completely worth it. Keep bringing on the new content!
I think it would be great if they added a topic on the halloween stuff because i looked and nobody knows anything really if someone does i havent seen the post yet i just need to know how to get the halloween sparrrow t
I personally think I've got my money's worth. Put aside all the negative small stuff and the shameful server issues and just think... It's a bloody good game. I've spent more time on this game than most in the past couple years. (Maybe not battlefield) but it's in it's first steps to a fairly new console genre so I would imagine they are doing everything to make it better. Be patient and enjoy it for what it is. A game. £20 DLC months after release is actually a slap in the chops considering it's obviously just what the game was intended to have in the first place and it's just tactical Christmas advertising. Bad bungie! Not cool. But saying that. It's the same cost as a cinema trip , or a round of beers lol. I'm ps4 and had a small chuckle at the X1 guys getting shafted but then thought of how petty bungie guys are doing that to there community, there costumes. But still. Should have bought the ps4 guys ;) Add me for game. KaneyUK
People moaning about Sony gets 2 strikes we paid the same blah blah whine whine. Sony paid for the extra content, everyone new this was gonna happen, if you wanted that extra content that Sony paid to be exclusive for a limited time, then you should've bought a PS4.
I think listing "5 new bounty slots" as a feature tells me everything I need to know. Thanks but no thanks.
Refund the Season Pass please. Need to tell people that Xbox was not going to get all the content for the same price. Refund PLEASE
Hey, bungie since you guys like to answer questions every week, riddle me this. Why is it that I paid the same amount as a sony platform user for the game and expansion pass yet I get less content? Is my money and less green? Does it have less value? What in the heck are you guys problem? At least give the xbox players a REASON why you are screwing us over, why we have to wait a year to get things that comes standard for sony platforms. We just want to know why.
-blam!-ing awesome. I love this game. Looking forward to the new DLC. Can't wait for the new raid and 5 more bounty slots... -blam!- yeah.
Erie...find her in the tower to complete here quests an 3 new story missions. Quests AND three new story missions. Maybe I'm reading between the lines, maybe I'm being hopeful but...new bounty vendor/faction? Fingers crossed for another PVE faction to spend Vanguard marks! Cruicible has their own specific vendor and 3 factions.
Glad I didn't waste my money on the season pass just to get screwed by the console wars yet again stop fight like children and just give us the gamers the content we deserve after all we put up with this bullshit for far to long stop favoring Playstation and just make it equal this is absolute bullshit I might as well sell destiny seeing as how I won't get the full game till sometime next year maybe if it even happens
Need more shit
I don't know about you guys but I love the game and I'm definitely getting the dlc and if you guys really hate it that much STOP PLAYING THE GAME AND RUINING THE EXPERIENCE FOR THE PEOPLE WHO LIKE IT
So sad, so when does mass effect four come out?
I hope they upgrade the Irin Banner gear to lvl 32 now... because the Warlock armor seen in these pics looks like shit to me. I am beginning to hate this Light level system because I just want to use what I think looks cool, like in Souls games, where skill matters more than some stupid level cap. I see that the other DLC is called "House of Wolves" now THAt sounds more like something for me :D AOOOOOOOOOOOoooooo!!!!
OMG START THE HYPE!! .. remember what happened last time something was hyped?
I buy the season pass before the game relase but that doesn't mean I'm gonna play this cause is the same stuff as before I really wanted this game to be a legend but bungie already make their choice I don't think this is a bad game really but is oy another regular game and nothing else
Edited by JACOB SKRIP: 10/30/2014 12:00:25 AMDestiny is a good game they are doing every thing to make it better so if u don't like it get rid of the game
Cough.....trash....cough!!! Sorry must be getting sick.............of your guys bullshit
Let's see some GOOD patches before I decide to throw you guys my money on this DLC. Still waiting for my Bad Juju being buffed...