[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
Let's see some GOOD patches before I decide to throw you guys my money on this DLC. Still waiting for my Bad Juju being buffed...
Hey, bungie since you guys like to answer questions every week, riddle me this. Why is it that I paid the same amount as a sony platform user for the game and expansion pass yet I get less content? Is my money and less green? Does it have less value? What in the heck are you guys problem? At least give the xbox players a REASON why you are screwing us over, why we have to wait a year to get things that comes standard for sony platforms. We just want to know why.
lol, 20 dollars for some new gear and missions. not even any new locations, planets or sub classes. hate to see that activision has turned bungie into a money whore.
Looks pretty sick. Although I hope the leak of only 3 new story missions is wrong. That's a piss poor amount. Maybe if those missions are like the same length as the Black Garden, then it would be okay, but most of the story missions in the game are like 10 minutes long. So 30 minutes of new story content? That's a joke. But yeah, I will wait and see. I am getting the DLC because I already got the Expansion Pass, and heck, I would have got the DLC anyway because I'm loving Destiny, but I just hope the DLC is worth it.
Nothing like dressing up content in a pretty christmas bow for the low price of 20$ for content that was originally suppose to be in the main game! Man so glad theyre not giving us a new planet to venture to i use up too much gas as it is maybe if they gave me a hybrid spaceship by honda id be down but for now i love seeing the same scenery over and over i hate change it scares me.and i deffinately wouldnt have been able to handle the other strike mission thats only goin to be released for plastation an we wont see it till next year,us xbox users wouldnt be able to handle a whole 3 new things to do our brains just might explode with that much content!
Lol 3 missions. -blam!- Destiny extra content.
All over it, can't wait, although I'd be happy to cut the PVP stuff and yous focus more on the PVE co-op area. Ignore the haters, they don't understand it's 2014... Loving the game, and every aspect of it (room For a lot of improvement but happy) got more than I expected. Just stop focusing on PVP :) [i]*throws line out, goes to bed[/i]
Sooooo... What about the wall we can sparrow thru and kill Ultra Captain?
would be nice if xbox one got the timed dust palace strike soon...
both are the same shut up you people complain way to much I have an xbox I don't care I don't like it but I can get over it because I am a fan of bungie I always will be. I'm just hoping it wont be a year personally I think 2 weeks would be reasonable because the playstation is their primary export and they should get the better end but with a year It kinda drags the xbox fans who have been loyal over the years through halo and all down into the dirt wait for a year but if it is cut way way down I'm sure this up roar would be a lot less catastrophic. and I see people still complaining about the game it self... just stop people like what they like and if you don't thats great but let people have their fun while its here. In short do I think playstation players should have a head start of xbox players? of course they are new to the community most are at least and should be shown a good time but i think a year for xbox fans to wait is very exaggerated just a week or 2 seems good, but no matter the outcome I still love this game and I see great things coming in the future.
This is bother expansion pack seperate from the one they announced a while ago? Someone please tell me
I'm just stopping by to gather my 200 te- oh looks like I'm done.
Edited by Soulzjehh: 10/30/2014 12:17:36 AMGuys Sony Playstation invested alot of money in this game because they trusted it would became a good game. Microsoft didnt so cry harder but its Microsofts problem and so its Xbox's.
Will not be buying the DLC for this game. I love the game, but i will not be -blam!-ing jerked around by bungie. So we pay 20$ for the same DLC as PSN, and what do we get? LESS -blam!-ING CONTENT THAN PSN!
I see whats going to happen already... My Fireteam reach crota and we all gasp in fear... Its a reskin of Master Rahool, he whispers in my ear "Oh I pity your enemies" and we learned that day, that a million gifts was not enough for master Rahool...
I feel like I'm watching a train wreck in slow motion. 10 years from now, I'll have quite a pathetic story to tell.
I think you guys are mis reading it the expansion comes out on the 9th of December not the 12th of September 2015 lol
I think it's gonna be fun. Where would eris set up camp in the tower? And as long as the missions aren't too heavy into pvp, I'll be happy with it.
So, a few missions we should have had at launch, 1 strike, and another glitchy raid. And I'm guessing the new weapons and armor are raid rewards so you have to suffer through it over and over while you rng nothing. The lag and mutual killing each other in crucible doesn't get better by adding maps. Disappointing. Why promote this instead of fixing broken aspects of the game?
Class Action Lawsuit? How about Xbox owners pay $18 for the dlc until the content is available.
What did bungie do now...
Deej do you ever respond to or read ANY comments?
Rip destiny. 9/9/14-10/28/14
Deej, I am a nobody here but you guys may want to make this content free. Not because of my own complaints but because of the majority population on these forums in an uproar. I would think if you released this one for free and worked on a much larger drop for early next year that would cost $20 that may be away to appease the fans. Like I said I am a nobody but I am just seeing a lot of hate...
I want the Sword of Crota. Can that be an exotic weapon?
Go hell with this -blam!-in crap! The game is a damn mess!!! I'm not buying a shit until you fix it.