[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
Go hell with this -blam!-in crap! The game is a damn mess!!! I'm not buying a shit until you fix it.
Aside from the fury of angry gamers anyone know anything about the shark gun? Cuz that is the s**t I'm going to make my goal to find.
If bungie was going to release the content a year later for xbox, they should of waited to release the game next year too
So to finally see big bad Crota, we have to get over your stupid Raid restrictions to experience a large chunk of Destinys "story"? Seriously, f*#! You guys. Not even getting into the other glaring issues. Enjoy the knowledge that you have lost many customers. Good luck moving your next game.
Can't wait
Can't wait :-)
this game is so gay because the dlc is only for ps3 and ps4 this is y i am not going to play it
Looking forward to the DLC. Just need to take notes from Activision/Blizzard with gear progression. Need to produce some currency or exchange to get to 30-light 2-3 weeks before each DLC. This isn't hardcore MMO-RPG in my mind and would welcome the "welfare" system at least near each DLC or just to have more people get a chance to 'grind' and catch up for 'current' contents. Good example is Hard VOG, I really think it should have average/active players to be on that progression 2-3 weeks before the DLC. RNG-armor is not working out too well.
I have both versions for free and my PS4 version is the Guardian version but I understand the pain of paying the same price but Xbox users have to wait for 1 year for the exclusive content. Few months is ok but one year? This kind of stuffs only destroys the gaming community. For extra cash in the pocket, Bungie and Activision has made Xbox users pissed off at them, what will this do for their Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare and future games? If PlayStation users say "That's what you get for buying Xbox", what about Rise of Tomb Raider? Are you punished for getting the PlayStation 4 instead of the Xbox One? The way I see it, just for extra money in their pockets, developers and publishers are doing something really stupid and screwing over the gamers. I know some of you will say shit on this but if you think about this, who really benefits from this? I can tell you that it's not the gamers. Also, -blam!- DLC! I can access your DLC without buying it mother -blam!-er! (Just no REAL shit but the area is there)
I feel bad for deej he has to deal with all these stupid trolls and still try and make us excited for dlc and new upgrades I personally do not love the game but I think it is really fun trolls are so stupid sometimes they are right but most of the time they are so stupid
Meh, I'll see how much I play advanced warfare, Farcry 4 and assassins Creed unity. Then I might pick it up cheep in ebay. Charging the same in pounds and dollars is some bull shit and I would love to get a reply to justify this load of balls.
Can we push Crota off the edge?
It's funny how you're all -blam!-ing complaining about the DLC. No one is making you buy it. You all make it seem like DLC is something new. Get over it you pussies. Either buy it and enjoy it. Or complain as much as you want and you'll still buy it. Seriously, it's annoying. Whether it was already on the game disk or not, quit your bitching.
Why can't Xbox users just not buy it until all the content comes out then I mean rlly who cares? That would make it the equivalent of you guys getting Dlc for games like CoD and Battlefield meanwhile PS users sat there. I mean it's even better since you guys get some content now some later with the other Dlc's for other games PS users had to wait to get any content. You guys are making an ok situation awful. Playstation has the best situation, Xbox has an ok situation, yet they are making it around awful.
Is the networking issue where we get kicked every 5 minutes part of the DLC?
Edited by Ghostie: 10/30/2014 12:17:24 AMSo how can we get this new gear?
Looks sweet can't wait to play :D is it still coming in December??
Looks like Crap.. BUNGIE you have failed so hard.. its kinda funny.. but still upsetting to your once loyal fans
people complain so much on here, geez bunch of babies. If you don't like the game don't play it. Its not that hard. XBOX players complain because they have to wait to play the DLC. You guys get the COD DLC first, stop crying. Its not hard to get legendary/exotic stuff.
I think im finally done with this game. I have been a huge fan of bungie since HALO. I supported you all since day one! Even when you dropped HALO I thought to my self maybe they have something huge coming out! BAM! Destiny omg cant wait. But since day one of this game I have been so disappointed with every single minute of the game. No story, crappy game play where RNG is all luck. I have done the raid at least 20+ times and I olny have 1 piece of raid gear on 2 toons. WTH I have now wasted 80 hours of my life on this game and for what? Not a darn thing! Work 2 weeks on pocket infinity bam nerf hammer if you dont like it in pvp take it out of pvp let the weapon be OP in PVE!! Now I dont even get all of the DLC for a year you guys suck and I cant wait for HALO master chief collection cause destiny is getting the boot for a better game. Heck id even play cod over this and I canr stand cod! Sorry for the rant but you guys really really suck at this and you're game will probably flop I hope it does and maybe you will finally listen to the fans and community and give us what we want not how we should play something because you think it should only be played one way. Good luck bungie you have lost a fan. Maybe ill pick it back up in a year or so and maybe there will be something new to do in this game.
Need a Refund on the Season Pass...Should have told me content would be withheld on the xbox
Oh cool, i get to pay the same price as PSN, but with 1/3rd the content!
Bitch -blam!- this DLC fix your -blam!-ing game first dumbasses.
Sign me up.
Destiny is gonna lose alot of fans for doin this. Not just xbox but ps fans that think it utterly stupid. Cod was only a month that ps had to wait. Imagine if ps had to wait a year for the dlc, then things woulda been alot different. Doing this doesn't "help' anyone. All bungie is doin right now is pushing the loyal customers who have loved there games for years, away. Destiny hasnt even been out for 2 months quite yet and there already destroying the game and pushing people away. As of right now i regret buying the pass and wish i could get a refund, dont wanna wait a year for stuff i already paid for and other people get to play. I wouldnt mind waiting a month or two but a year is just ridiculous. I dont regret buying destiny, ive had alot of fun with it but bungie is ruining it week by week and pretty soon me and i imagine countless others are gonna trade it in.
Fix the servers!