[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
Cheers to my fellow ps4 players, I'll pay 20 bucks for 4 hours of amusement... pretty sure everyone here pays round about the same to go to the movies for two hours. As for xbone players, didn't anyone check the exclusivity before buying the game? First thing I do before I buy a game nowadays is look into possible future content. And on a side note fix atheon again damnit, randomly sending 2 people over instead of 3 from time to time is a bit rediculous.
If you buy expansion pass is this free?
So far, this looks disappointing, Deej.
[quote][url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url][/quote]. I understand this game is PS exclusive but to shortchange people that play this on an Xbox is just bad business. I'm sure PS players will bring up how they had to wait several months for the CoD DLC releases but to wait almost a year for full content is ridiculous. It must suck for those Xbox players that have already gone and purchased the expansion pass
Already got the Expansion Pass with my limited edition, so I'm definitely getting it. I just hope the Story missions are better this time around... right now, the part I'm looking forward to the most is the new Strike, and the new Raid. Speaking of Raids... any word on Raid matchmaking?
This looks really good.
I just want to fight Crota :).
Sorry bungie! Your nice looking posters aren't gonna make me cough up 20 dollars I could spend on another BETTER game. I can't imagine it. Are you guys going to rng bend me over
This bull why if I played my money like them damn ps fan boys do I get less just cause this company had a falling out with microsoft we all have to suffer the is bull to your loyal xbox fans ...
What the hell is going on. Y are u screwing over xbox constantly this is getting ridiculous. Why the hell should we pay the same amount for the dlc as PS and get LESS content its discusting not to mention people in the uk being even more discriminated upon. I love this game but bungie ur really starting to take the bloody mick now. Sort your shit out and make this fair for all
Erm no thanks... Fool me once...
So basically you're saying Bungie that Xbox players have to pay the same amount as Sony players, but we get less content "at least until fall 2015"? No one will be playing Destiny by then. That's just stupid and not fair. These console wars need to end this is too far
You screwed over your xbox fans again. We now only get 6 out of a total 8 strikes.
Everyone shouldn't make this a console war instead we all need to focus on the real problem wich is the fact we are paying $35 for on disc content.
This actually looks pretty beast. Loving the looks of the new weapons
dear xbox gamers. i kind of feel sorry for you guys. I can see why you're so pissed off, and I know I would be too.. but I recently found out that our Vex portals work better when powered by tears of sorrow, so if you could cry into this jug, that would be great.. don't worry though, the DLC is not gonna be as good as they make out, not if this is still the same Destiny I know. anyway, keep the tears flowing guys, those portals won't power themselves. -Bob the Vex Hezen Corrective goblin, 1st Axis, also prolific spirit bloom grower.
-blam!- your DLC
Biggest waste of money ever. Why did I even bother? Oh yeah. 5 years of development and $500 million to help. But we still get this load of shit.
Cool!!! Can't wait!!
You forgot to say Xbox players pay more but get less!! Bungie forgot who the soldiers that have given them fortuNe!
Edited by TTWMARCH: 10/29/2014 11:51:00 PMI want the torch hammer, line rifle, and the ability to summon Minotaurs.
Edited by DIGS_T: 10/29/2014 11:25:47 PM$20 for 1 strike and 1 raid. Wee a whole hour worth if playtime
Here goes the Xbox douches to crap themselves.
Need to complete vog on hard! Any takers? :) xX_AVER_562_Xx <--- (yes I made account when I was young)...
Well... we'll see what happens next.
Are you serious...deej you jackhole. Go tell bunghole they suck my dickhole.