[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
Are you serious...deej you jackhole. Go tell bunghole they suck my dickhole.
Oh goodie! I can only hope that this includes more weapons that they can Nerf to the point of obscurity after trudging through the same mission 30 times to earn it!!!
New raid thats gonna be fun.
3 story missions wow!!!!!! Guess that adds an extra hour or two and then thats them done. Come on seriously I like the game dont get me wrong but shit. Why even bother at all. So disappointed right now.
Awesome! Can't wait.
Wow a whole 3 "Story" missions, let me guess hold a room while dinklebot hacks a door or some shit?
Edited by WolFdavis: 10/29/2014 11:39:27 PMThat's it? No matchmaking? I still haven't completed the vault of glass, and before some troll or fanboy decides call me a whiner, I say how am I whining? I mean this forum is solely meant for this purpose, so they can improve the game. I don't have a raid team worth of friends to run the vault effectively and without matchmaking or even some type way to have dialogue with other players in game, I can't enjoy the game as much as I would like. It's a fun game but come on now we're asking for some really basic things. Matchmaking and/or proximity chat. Come on help a bro out, please bungie.
Bungie forgot who put them on the map. They totally sold their souls to the devil (activision) Do you honestly think this content is worth 20.00? To little content for to much money. Do right by us fans and lower it
2 questions with no whining/complaining. I get the exclusive content deals, they have been going on for a long time and will continue to happen. My questions are this: 1) The exclusive content has been reported as being exclusive until at least Fall 2015. That nebulous time frame raises the question is it possible the content will remain exclusive indefinitely? As in Sony has an option to renew and as long as they keep throwing money at it they can keep it exclusive? If its not indefinite is there a more concrete date that the content can be guaranteed to show up on xbox1? Or even date range such as no earlier than X and no later than Y? 2) Assuming the content does not remain exclusive indefinitely, how will Xbox1 users acquire it? Will it be a free update to all? Will it be matched with the original DLC? Or worst case scenario will it all be bundled together as another standalone DLC that xbox1 users will have to pay extra for to get the PS exclusive content? Those on the wrong side of an exclusive content deal will rarely be happy, but at least addressing the when and the how with more specific details will allow some to better accept the reality of it. It seems that in comparison to other exclusive content deals that it is the price vs content disparity between systems and the nebulous/extended time frames that are at the root of most discontent. #Deej #DLC #MailSack
Thank you for giving me sooo much contents only for $35 (expansion pass)! how do I express my gratitude toward you devs
What are people nagging about Xbox and ps users can someone fill me in ?
I could almost made it to 26(im only on 25) and you guys are already adding more light levels and weapons that i could possibly not afford to get
Nobody cares you insufferable scam artists. Fixing the servers should be the only thing anyone is working on. And after that how about not charging us on Xbox the same price as PlayStation for half the content. Shame in you thieves bungie, your nothing. It criminals.
All this looks fantastic glad I've two weeks off work to blast it, Titan raid gear looks sweet. Any news on getting a larger vault and inventory? That's going to be required going forward.
We be getting our money back on the 3 pre-ordered DLC packages. ;P Can't sit on the fence boys! If you want to be PS exclusive pick up your balls and just say it.
Do want, I expect a necrochasm found within a week of this dlc release
I don't care what's in it, NERF IT BEFORE IT HITS THE CRUCIBLE!!!!!
That pictures showing Eris right? Not Crota??
Unless your on xbox...then you dnt get full content. Even though we were master cheifs first stepping stones when he became legend and forged bungie's "destiny" to stardom.
Mabye I'm a little slow but can some one tell me where there seeing that it says xbox players won't get content for a year ?
So how long is the times exclusive?
It amuses me, all the people bashing bungie. I would wager a lot of you will be buying the dlc. Always bitching and moaning about something. Nerf this, cant get my drops that. It ridiculous because you know deep down youll keep playing this game, and youll be buying all the DLC to go with it.
I especially like the part where there are no new areas open up except raid and strike. Wow! I can not believe i wasted money on this crap. Guess i'll play it anyway :(
I wouldn't be annoyed if were delayed the exclusive by 4 to 6 months but to be behind almost a year is completely obsurd. By that time, I'm sure more games and content will be released. They really need to reconsider this platform favoritism. I could buy a ps4 with the new content and catch up with all the progress I have on Xbox before it releases the exclusive content to those waiting.
I'll take this.. Thank you!