[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
So PS and Xbox guy pay $20 for DLC. PS guy gets more and Xbox guy needs to wait a year to get what is being held. That isn't timed exclusion, that's locking content we paid for but aren't getting. CoD DLC's are exactly the same for the exact same price. Only released a week or 2 later for the other console. Destiny DLC's are split, one having more content for $20 and another having less for $20 dollars. And the less having to wait a year for the full $20 to kick in. That's not fair in any way , shape , or form.
Awwwww yeahhh!! Can't wait for this!!!
So how about a Halloween themed class item so we have something to keep from Halloween 14. Preferably a cloak with a spider in a web on it.
I don't see where people are reading that Xbox players have to wait a year for this DLC. Anyone wanna explain it?
Bungie has continually shown the pile of crap they have grown into with this game. Very sad to see...either way bungie good luck alienating so many of your fans...see how that works out for you
So are we going to be able to play it without disconnecting or nah
Looked great, except for the price tag, but I'll have to over look that I guess
Great, the Gaystationers get more stuff and the superior platform gets nothing. Figures.
Funny on the new raid pic that not everyone is wearing exact same armor since thats how it actually will be.
I hate what this industry has become in a whole. I've really enjoyed destiny to this point, but I can't help on feeling a little disappointed about the expansion.
Exclusive strikes for Ps4 Aww yeah!
Can I have my money back from the dlc pre purchase.
the funny thing is, people complain about destiny but then say they are going to play/buy the new COD...some of them even say promoting tactical play in CoD!? they are very similar. If you want tactical go with a strategy game turnbased/RTS or even an advanced stealth game Personally what I want are areas on every world that you would never go through/touch in a story mission, strike, raid for patrol and get exclusive bounties for patrol, for example my idea of a bounty of search for the shrieking knights (knights that shoulders are replaced with shriekers). I suppose one area that many people I seem to meet including people in my clan is on earth a place called the Grottos where level 20 hive are (give you a hint to people interested where it is between forgotten shore and the devil walker) anyway areas like that and hunting bounties that are two stage first find it and report back, then go kill it (use the shrieking noise as the only way to find it)
Any chance we can get a heads up on the raid level for normal and hard, since the light level is going to increase to 32?
PLEASE make matchmaking for the venus raid when the dlc drops. Make it so you have to have a mic and min level 28 or something
Edited by Mr Spiderhead: 10/29/2014 11:41:54 PMRoughly a quarter of the content of the original release for nearly half the price (in the UK). Yeah, seems legit. I usually try to remain civil and moderate, but frankly you're asking us to bend over and receive you willingly. You shall not have my anal cherry Bungie. Warning, clip very NSFW [url=http://] South Park clip Eric Cartman - -blam!- me mom uncens…: http://youtu.be/KnWA2JUYR34 [/url]
So based on the picture at the bottom and people speculations, I guess Crota will just be a reskinned knight. *sigh*
I would honestly like the game to PS exclusive than feel as cheated as I do now with the Xbox. You might as well have done it.
Sounds awesome. I hope it isn't a level 30 raid. Should be same level requirements as VoG. Keeps it fair for others who don't have as much time on their hands to experience the DLC. Most the guys I know who are level 30 have like 3 characters and run the raid on normal and hard 3 times each week. Sad how important level 30 is. But hey if you have more time than others. Go for it. It's your time.
The main reason I'm pissed is that it's overpriced in the UK. A single DLC costs $10-15 more when you convert GBP to USD
Now I don't care about Playstation players getting an extra strike but the lack of over all content in this expansion is a -blam!-ing joke. But at this point I guess it should be expected to get no content seeing as the "full" game has enough to last about 10 hours total
Is the release date the same for Xbox and playstation?
Holy shit !!!!!! U can be level 32 and u get 5 more bounty slots yas!!!!!!!
Yaaaay I get to pay the same price as the Sony folks for less content! Take my money!