[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
Yaaaay I get to pay the same price as the Sony folks for less content! Take my money!
Y U Gota Make People On Xbox Wait? We Already Pay For Live PS4 Does To So Y Can't We Get It At The Dame Time And Make PS3 Wait
I'll be buying it
#DeeJ Cool, but why the -blam!- aren't my pumpkin heads working?
Deej, I have a question for you. Will every DLC for the life of the game have a timed exclusive in it?
Edited by AceTemplar501: 10/29/2014 11:40:20 PMGuys I need help I bought the platinum edition that let me get the expansions free with a code. When do I use that code now or when it comes out?
The new gear actually looks good!
Edited by Are You Okay: 10/29/2014 11:39:20 PMAll Xbox users will get this message as they get to CROTA: "Please pay an extra 5$ for the chance to grind this boss 100 times and win almost nothing of value. Buy a playstation you bitch" The pay to play scheme has been reimagined to be "give us money in advance and we will -blam!- you over later when you least expect it." I really hope Xbox users are offered FULL REFUNDS.
How expensive will it be? I won't buy anything more than $20.
Awesome. Can't wait!
Edited by balist1c: 10/29/2014 11:39:27 PMHey Xbox 360 players! If you get the DLC, you might have a chance to join my dream team for the new raid! So...buy the DLC ;D
In terms of PR, this is probably one of the worst decisions to announce this now. Considering there has been no official response to the lack of content issues that have plagued these forums for the last few weeks. Guess it shows that the feedback is ignored on the forums and bungie is more interested in money than the people playing it, which is short sighted as you aren't going to get any money if people stop playing... Expect the majority of these comments are going to be negative and just ignored by bungie as there will be no response to them.
So the current legendaries and exotics are going to be obsolete?
I regret buying the digital guardian edition that's not worth 15 bucks
Yes they can finally release (unlock) the dlc that's already in the game😑
How about you give me my mother -blam!-ing money back? I don't give a flying -blam!- if you're on ps4 or xbox. If I pay $20 -blam!-ing and get half to the 3/4 content that I'm supposed to get? How about you bite down on a curb as hard as you can. I paid $65 for a mother -blam!-ing incomplete and now you want to -blam!- us over on xbox again? Shove it up your ass. Give me what I paid for dickbags. I played every -blam!-ing halo game douchenozzles.
ANNNNNNDDDDDD paid for. Pretty stoked!
Edited by Wrecklesss: 10/29/2014 11:30:19 PMXbox players. U mad?
So pissed. That warlock helm is trash.. It looks worse than the queen helm which was the original helmet u start with that had a sticker on it. That shit is so ugly what a waste of an artist whoever pulled that shit out of their ass
Now if only they cld make the hard mode rai playable again the "random" pull is unnecessary
So does cooperative strike mean no match making?
[quote][url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url][/quote] Can help but feel disappointed with this game. If there is a destiny 2 ill be hesitant to buy
-blam!- you have a nice day screw bungie fyi xbox make your ass and now we will destory and the clown of playstation
Including 3 copy-paste story missions where you fight off a horse while your ghost opens a door. Also Activision forces us to give PS players a extra strike because money. Not mention a whole new arsenal of reskined weapons and armors. $20 please.
Cool! 2 days before my birthday.
It's the third man