[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
Destiny is a great game. I am more than happy to pay for the new DLC, but if Playstation gets more content than the Xbox, then the xbox DLC should be cheaper, I should not be paying the same price as Playstation who gets more from it. Also, destiny is a huge team based game which is why I love it. But, you took the soul fun out of the game by not having public chat. How and I supposed to meet new people on the raids, let alone strikes you can't coordinate with random people. Especially the crucible. The most needed coop play, and I can't even talk to the people on my team this is rediculous. If I wanted to talk to my self I'd get a single player game. Please please fix, if you want a competitive game with cooperation then you need to make it so we can talk to each other..
Dear Bungie, Like most comments that you ignore or passively not answer with vague replies, I don't expect much of a response or any After twenty years of gaming, the hard truth is today's growing gaming trend is more money for less You have fed in to this and blatantly lied to us, wether its you or the Monster that is Activision with a leash around your neck, enough has been posted about such My point is- you have my money, I preordered the Digital Guardian Edition before release Though I now don't expect much, You will see me playing for those two DLC releases that I have paid for Beyond that I am done with you and I am sure I will not be the only one Fellow Guardians this game is not going to get any better or drastically change into the perfect game It is not going to be what we promised at any point in the next ten years That said, Thank you Bungie for this experience- It has been the final straw for me in preordering any game or dlc Rather than hand out money to whoever can promise me the best game, I'll wait for gameplay reviews This is my opinion and Mainly My Goodbye to Bungie after my already paid for dlc's
£35 for this expansion on 360 haha this has to be a joke -.- two more levels 3 more Pvp game types. I'm sorry but this is the biggest rip off. I actually really enjoy this game but for an add on which offers so little for so much, nah.. Dafaq
According to some leaked information that may or may not be accurate, the final boss in Crota's End is something called the Oversoul. So my question to you, DeeJ, is if this is true, will we ever actually see Crota?
I know some look and say not enough content for 20 bucks. WoW did this. Mmo's are supposed to have that. I say maybe 20 for some more content every couple months doesn't bug me as much as 15 every month just to play the game I bought. This is a new concept on consoles for everybody. I'm just glad we aren't dealing with micro transactions yet. Something like mobile gaming like letting u buy vanguard or crucible marks for cash. Blah blah. No thanks. They have to pay to run the servers. That's the deal with mmo's of any type. Please don't let the whining kill this game. I'm having fun and would like it to continue. Thank you
Bungie, why dont you guys create a R&D station where we can go make ascendant shard or energy, example " you need 50 of spirit bloom, spinmetal, relic iron and helium filament, and, all that you trade to the r&d guy, and it gives us a certain amount of shards or energy, I thinks its a good idea
The worst and saddest part is that Bungie has finally succumbed to The corporate bullish!t and greed. For the hundreds of people on this forum that are complaining, there are millions that ARE NOT and its pathetic that THOSE are the only ones BUNGIE cares about now to line their pockets. They are NOT the same company they were back in 2001. If they were.... there would have been some reply to all this Negativity by now letting their fans know they hear them.. NOTICE THERE HAS BEEN NO REPLIES YET AS THEY WILL WAIT TO COME UP WITH SOMETHING WITTY TO GAIN MORE $$
[quote][url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url][/quote] Weaksauce...
When dose this come out
What if we get to fight Dredgen Yor in the dark below? That'd be awesome
Why is Bungie doing this to us. This is the truth each key detail he says is supported by facts and if you say that some of us are taking this too seriously then we are because we don't want to spend our money on a game that isn't as good as it could have been, imagine how much better it would be to have Destiny 100 times better than it already is.
Ok deej im just gonna throw it out there..will third subclasses be in this cause the titans need that [b]fire[/b] power man...literally >:(
Bungie estou esperando o up da thorn arma muito dificil de cumprir o contrato e sus dificulda so e igualada a porcaria que a arma e. Estou esperando a melhora na thorn I m waiting for thorns upgrad...because this weapon is s junk
I will be trading in my destiny game, since all you can give out is a couple more strikes, missions, and one raid for $20 more dollars on top of the little gameplay I already bought for $60. Bungie/Activision are now just greedy scumbags that lies about Destiny in the game description, gives us only a little amount of strikes/missions with lots of repitition, and wants us to pay them a lot of money for what little they gave us. I'll admit that I liked it at first and that I played a lot just to get to lvl 30 on two different classes, but now there is just nothing to gain from playing this game anymore. I hope gamers will not buy into their DLC scam and for once in the history of gaming stand up to these greedy -blam!-s by doing that.
No one will pay 20 dollars for 3 story missions. Thats suppose to be free.
hay muchas cosas que probablemente pudieron haber mejorado del juego, MUCHAS, pero la verdad no puedo esperar a jugar el DLC. Se ve que tienen potencial
lixo... raid é um lixo nao dropa armaduras!
When is this being released??
Poor server connections, over-priced dlc, patches that negatively affect legit players, a severe lack of story, unfair reward systems. Ye, I think we have a god damn right to complain.
haha pour le corectif sur atheon .... on peu plus sorganiser avec les tp au hasard ok c genant mais faut s adapter ... mais kan est il des teleport foireu ? komme le moment ou toute l escuade est vivante mais y en que deux cote oracle ... ou les raid ki ne font tomber ke des eclat sans aucun loot ....ou le bonus de fin de nivo ... pourquoi il y a tjr 0 scd...laisser le temp au membre de l escuade de fete leur victoir ....dsl mais vous vous chier de plus en plus dessu ^^ combien de joueur avez vous perdu avec votre system de loot , serveur loin d etre stable ... et dsl de vous le dire mais depuis la sorti du raid , combien de personne on suprimer leur autre classe pour pouvoir se faire le raid plusieur fois dans la semain pour espere pouvoir passer nivo trente ? 3 loot nessaisaire ,( pour passer trente ) + exo .... deux mois la sorti du raid 4/5 semaine par mois ... = 9 tentative ...en neuf tentative de quattre etape ...combien de loot aurai du tombeer ? ... mais j axe bokou le message sur le loot ( c le plus frustrant) mais kan est il des groupe ki reste en orbite a attendre ke le jeu deigne accpte que le 6 joueur rejoigne l escuade, ou les deco pendant le raid ( en difficil = echec)mais sans etre deco du xbox live ou grp d amis .... pour tout plein de bug contre le joueur mais vous sauter sur les fait qui vous arrange lol loot cave , glitch d atheon .... franchement il est super plaisant votre jeu mais il est completemnt anti joueur ....200 ecu max mais 175 pour un passereau .... ridicul ...100 par semaine ....dur la rentabilité ... ha et augmenter notre nombre de personnage si on peut faire les activite k une fois par semaine ...si on a toute les classe on peut pas double nos perso ....donc pas faire deux fois le raid ou autre (enfin pour la nuit noir et l epik de la semaine je compren , mais pour le raid hahah)
Add theater mode. Then I'll buy yer DLC.
Edited by Hlywd Simpson: 11/3/2014 1:52:45 PMGood game though there is no real storyline but I'm content with gameplay. You should have kept the Halo trademarks and continued with that.
Edited by Alpatch93PSG: 11/3/2014 3:48:41 PMC'est n'importe quoi votre logique que au bout de 6 raid 26 ,4 raid 30 j'ai eu 3 vestes 3 brassards mais toujours pas de botte Et le jours ou je chope le exégèse du vex ils enlèvent sa puissance je pense que votre jeu est une arnaque je crois que je vais arrêter il est trop brider mais le prix lui n'est pas brider et vous voulez que ça dure 10 ans hahahahahahahahahahahahahah n'importe quoi
Edited by RipTide Fate: 11/3/2014 1:58:39 PM
If anyone wants to play or needs help with Nightfall or the Raid I have 2 hunters. A level 30 and a level 28. Xbox Gamertag is PradiusXUCM. A group of us have a clan we started if anyone wants to join. Over 250 of us so far. We are very active/friendly and the clan is open to all Guardians on Xbox One & 360. Come join us! [url]http://bungie.net/en/Clan/246635[/url]