[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
If anyone wants to play or needs help with Nightfall or the Raid I have 2 hunters. A level 30 and a level 28. Xbox Gamertag is PradiusXUCM. A group of us have a clan we started if anyone wants to join. Over 250 of us so far. We are very active/friendly and the clan is open to all Guardians on Xbox One & 360. Come join us! [url]http://bungie.net/en/Clan/246635[/url]
I'm not buying any dlc till I see gameplay if it's nothing but letting dinklebot scan something n defending three waves of enemies than I'm selling this game n going back to cod
Wow!!! A bunch of bitches on this forum...yes no matter how exciting a game can be out to be just wait a couple weeks the buy it. Could have save $60. Just saying...
So we get 1 strike 1 raid, 3 story missions and 3 multiplayer maps. That was cut from the game and we are paying $20.00 more for this? This was already finished prior to launch, the way you treat your community, your loyal fans is disgusting. This should of already been included in the game. Bump if you agree. Edit1: a PETITION is now LIVE! Sign here: https://www.change.org/p/activision-make-first-2-expansions-free-or-give-people-a-refund-for-the-retail-purchase-of-destiny-and-or-any-downloadable-content-they-may-of-purchased
The Dick Blow and the Legend of Scrota.
All yall a bunch of jackolytes, games amazing every last inch of it , now who wants to knock off Atheon?
my destiny routine monday: do the daily, switch character, do the daily, get bored. play another game tuesday: do the nightfall, do the weekly, do the daily, do the vault. switch character do the nightfall, do the weekly, do the daily, do the vault. get tired go to sleep wednesday:do the daily, switch character, do the daily, get bored. play another game thursday: do the daily, switch character, do the daily, get bored. play another game friday:do the daily, switch character, do the daily, get bored. play another game saturday: do the daily, switch character, do the daily, buy stuff from xur. sunday:do the daily, switch character, do the daily, get bored. play another game only one day at the week its fun to play destiny. and im getting tired of this routine. if you expect that this game last 10 years you are doing it WRONG...
If you are not satisfied with the game, then you probably won't be even when the DLC cones out. Go back to CoD and don't even worry about buying it.
God! Why Activision why?!? All the little kids whining about OP guns forced Activision to force bungie to nerf all the guns, damn you cod players and kids for complaining about everything
Dear DeeJ.... Wah, wah waah. Waah waaaah wah wah. Wah wah waaah wah waaaaah. Wah, wah wah waaaaah waaah wah wah. Waaaaaaaah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah, waah, wah. Wahhh, waaaaah, wah wah wah, Waaaaaaaah wah wah wah wa wa wa wah. Wah.....lol....WAH, WAH Wah wah, wah wah! Wah waaaaaah wah waaaah. Wah waaaaaah, wah waah waaah waaah! Wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah waahaah...wah wah wah. Wah, waaaaaaah waaah waaaah waah. Wah waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Wah...wahahaha...wa haha haha aah....wa hahaha haaaaa wah. Wah waaah ha wah ha wah wah wah waah wah waaah, wah waaah waha wah wah a hahaha wah wah ah ha ha ha wah ha! Wah wah, wah ha ha wah hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahabahahabahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha...wah! Wah waaah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah...wa haha haha a a hahaha ah wah...wa haha haha a a hahaha a hah wah wah wahhh wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Wah wah wahhaahhah..wah wah. Wah wah wah wah wah, wah wahhhh? Wahhh wah wahhhh wah wahahhhha, wah waha wah wah wahaha, wah wah. Wah wah.
Most expensive game ever made Fair enough But where did all that money go too ? A couple of strikes and a raid We need more raids More then one per expansion pass and we need much more strikes Another 20-30 different strikes so I play it everyday not just when the week resets like 75% of the bungie community !!!!!!
LOL!!!!!!!!!!!! Isn't this hysterical by now!!!' I promise you in a few years when there commentary on this game comes up they are gonna be laughing all though it!!!! They have us herding around deej like he is a Shepard. Look at the sheep!!!! Please BUNGIE add another strike so we can be pissed in 2 days. The content you are proposing is like 15 % of what we already have. It will be over instantly. Probably same day. Whhahahahah Ps halo sucks too
They shouldn't have lied and they should have just been straight up with with all the titans and hunters and warlocks they have created and now they have an army of bad asses and now it's gonna back fire they just need to fix the little things than make a mmo better like crafting or maybe like a way to have you ship drop ammo radial menu or like just the little things ya know yes more places and story would be nice but actavision has them by the nut sac please do somthing also why can't we fly are ships you have done the code for rly bad ass space combat in reach you guys have done it b4 so why did those skills no show and improve in to this game :) -baby-
Edited by Alpatch93PSG: 11/3/2014 11:25:09 AMC n'importe coi votre logique de merde au bous de 6 raid 26 4 raid 30 j'ai u 3 veste 3 gant mai toujours pas de botte fout âge de guell Et le jours ou je chop le exégèse du vex il enlevé sa puissance du boycott votre jeux et une arnaque je coi je vais arrêter trop brider mai par contre le prix Luis n'est pas brider et vous voulez que sa dure 10 ans hahahahahahahahahahahahahah n'importe coi
OMG this looks amazing can't wait to get it! 😱😱
Yeah lets all -blam!-ing quit this piece of shity game and go back to cod or even -blam!-ing unreal tournement was more fun then destiny
j'ai acheter le DLc mais je n'ai pas acces au contenu, pourquoi?
Edited by Romain Parol: 11/2/2014 4:54:00 PMJe suis lvl 27 et je cherche des gens pour des assauts ou un raid Identifiant: supernico59 Merci
Il est vrai que payer 20€ pour un contenu deja present sur le jeu de base pour y avoir accès est TOTALEMENT NORMAL ... VIVE ACTIVISION !!! GLOIRE A ROBERT KOTICK !!! #ironie
I think Deej isnt transferring our feedback to the developers. They ask him: hows everything in the community?? Do they like the updates?? And his like, Yea sure. They are all oblivious of whats going on, Deej is a moron, that is my only logical explanation and hope for bungie
Thank you for the paywall to a gutted game so we get the full game over 2 years til the second one
Build on my legend? How about you build toward fixing your servers. Maybe build towards fixing all of the still present vault bugs while you're at it.
HAAHHAHAHHA they just borrow all the negative comments, BUT OTHER NEGATIVES WILL COME, this is because you are nothing BUNGIE, you sold your soul to activision and you will go down until no one will play destiny anymore... Sorry but this is an epic EPIC fail. Sometimes I listen at the first BUNGIE interview when the describe destiny as the best game in the world... That is what I was aspected, but keep your money in your big wallets and say goodbye to the future costumers, thanks activision for this.