No, the DLC is released for all consoles on December 9. However, PlayStation will receive one exclusive strike in addition to the dlc, that strike will remain exclusive to playstation until fall 2015.
Well only Xbox got to play Halo, xbox and Playstation can play destiny but they want to make it fair to let playstation get it earlier
Fall 2015 actually. Sucks for xbox :T
Actually it is true...suuuucks for you guys...psn stands for PLAYSTATION NATION
Ha gayy
No just a few places being ps4 only till fall 2015
Not the whole DLC, only part of it, but it's still ridiculous as we will be paying the same amount of money.
Then don't pay for it it's quite simple...
I'm not continuing to play Destiny in it's current state then, due to the total lack of content. Damn, why can't The Witcher 3 just be released in November?
Yeah i think 99 percent x box gets it till 2015
No, it's not, Bungie isn't that stupid