Cool let's shaft Xbox users again. -blam!- you activision and bungie
We are paying the same price for less content
Simple as this you should of bought the ps4. For less money and a better product I may add. Ohh hmmm the PlayStation fans NEVER got Halo and always waited for COD DLC. Get over yourselves. Bungie backed the winners.
I think you meant Fûck you Microsoft. They are the ones that passed on the Destiny Exclusive content.
I think Blam you Bungie is going to be a trending topic again
Half the price for even less contents
I thought 20 is one third of 60
35 dollars for the expansion pass sir
Thats for two expansions right?
Yes my friend so instead of buying 2 separately for 40$ you get a $5 off for purchasing both as "expansion"
Good deal. I would have paid 50
And look at how much contents you'll get! look at this expansion pass compare that to dragonborn dlc!
I never played dragonborn. If its less, its less. Either buy it or dont. Complaining wont accomplish anything. Theyll make their money either way
already purchased expansion pass! After I found out the truth!!! I can't do anything about it might as well enjoy it
Lol yea too late. Guess youll wait next time