So PS and Xbox guy pay $20 for DLC. PS guy gets more and Xbox guy needs to wait a year to get what is being held. That isn't timed exclusion, that's locking content we paid for but aren't getting.
CoD DLC's are exactly the same for the exact same price. Only released a week or 2 later for the other console.
Destiny DLC's are split, one having more content for $20 and another having less for $20 dollars. And the less having to wait a year for the full $20 to kick in. That's not fair in any way , shape , or form.
Edited by wikiddd: 10/29/2014 11:43:52 PMWait what? It says 12/09/14 for the DLC for all platforms
I'm dropping this game -_- when the new COD game comes out. This is total B.S. I don't want to pay the same price and get less content F that! I'll spend my money some where else where it's at least some what fair. 12 months yea right!
Cod is looking pretty good this year
Yea it is :D I can't wait Untill it comes out! It looks promising unlike thus game now -_-
Once COD hits this year, i think Destiny's playerbase is going to go down the crapper. 10 year plan...sheesh. By this time next year, theres gonna be like a thousand players left. Good luck with your franchise DeeJ.
True! Bungie is mad at Microsoft and taking it out on the players! Before I even knew who bungie was halo was my favorite game and now a great company made a good game and now it's turning to sh*t!!! Thanks bungie -_-
It's a month on cod. And youtube rumour mill says ull get the extra strike in May. I agree it might be a little long. But it's business .
Yeah thats not factually correct. Sony is paying for playstation players to get that extra content so its not the same $amount to the developer its just the same cost to consumer.
Exactly bungie is just trying to get payback at Microsoft for being assholes to them and I think it's unfair I really hope bungie realizes that they are gonna be washing money down the drain doing this to Xbox players cause no one is gonna buy it it's such BS bungie needs to patch everything get there crap back on track and play fair or this game isn't gonna work
Agreed. An "early-acess", at least from the games I have played was at most, a month. However, 12 months is a complete lock. Early access is a reward, a lock is a tease. Teasing isn't a great idea when the content is already bought.
Agreed. Im also on PS4. Bungie and Rockstar must have went to the same school on how to f uck up MMOs.
F*ckin A true.
I agree. Hold all content a year for XBoners. Save them their money.
I agree :/ But I slightly don't care lol. Cause I still like playing what's there.