Cant wait! Just wondering if i should even waste the time leveling my new raid gear.
Of course! I only have one piece but I still maxed it, helps in the raid now.
Do it so the raid will become easier and u can get that gear easier
Do you know if you get damage bonuses for each lvl above difficulty?
Any level up with lift gives a huge stat boost, on the nightfall my friend was level 28 ranking up new gear an was having a hard time doing good , he then switched to his gear that bumped him to level 29 and wrecked
Yea. Easier sounds nice
The Crota's raid on normal will be 28 and hard mode I could only assume be the new level cap of 32 so I defiantly would.
Yea so i could play normal with what i have at lvl 29 and get better raid gear
Yep yep!
[quote]Yea so i could play normal with what i have at lvl 29 and get better raid gear[/quote] The entire raid won't be 28 though, if I remember correctly in the VoG normal, the enemies scale from 26-28 the farther you go. Which would imply that the farther you get in the new raid it would go from 28-30
Uh oh
Me too
You should since the raid this time also went up on difficulty so I would advise to be level 30 with maxed out weapons