Not bad but if the rumors are true that all Xbox players are gonna get half the dlc instead of both new raids and there gonna rob us for our money just cause bungie is siding with PS3 and 4 im gonna be pissed I might as well quit if they do that shit I want both of these raids and if bungie does what everyone is saying i guarrentee they won't get as much money from Xbox players and more money in general cause people from Xbox won't buy it and I will be one of those people
I seriously hope they include both or bungie can say goodbye to sales from Xbox players and buff the guns bungie please like bad juju and the thorn just get those in there in the next weekly update thanks a lot I enjoy the game quite a bit and hope to see a lot of new stuff from bungie
so it has been confirmed to me that bungie is ripping off Xbox players the ones that made halo big they are basically turning there backs on us this is total bullshit I want everyone to look at this thread it explains a lot and it also tells that this dlc that they are showing now was supposed to be in the game from the start please bump so everyone can see this thread this is why bungie -blam!-ed up
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