I'm only level 25 with an exotic gauntlet and one legendary weapon. The game really hates me because I just never get anything good and they should've made it easier to get to other ranks in crucible and in vanguard because it takes forever. Not everyone plays everyday for 24 straight hours
It takes two days to get to twenty. Then its grinding Vangard Crucible Bounties for the legendary gear from there on out. Does not take long at all. What it does take forever is getting to the Level cap of thirty due to the RNG of the vault. Raid gear should be mandatory for all boss battles. But whatever.
Welcome to an mmo bud
There are good points in your statement but remember we have until December for the level cap to be raised and it's only by 2 light levels, just play casually and you'll make it there, the last thing you want in a game is to think you have to play it all the time just to continue because then it becomes a chore and no game should ever be a chore
Unless you like doing chore *said no one ever*
All these are great suggestions and all besides NIGHOVA<----(-blam!-ING prick) just in case a I'm a PS4 user. Its not I don't dedicate time its because I dont have time I have school. Trust me if I could miss school for a week to play I would but once the holidays roll in I'll be able to level up and grind a lot quick. If you guys want to add me and are willing to play with me then we can. Also i play shit ton of tiger strikes and in total I've only gotten one legendary engram from the 3 weeks I've played and got a mote of light.
Gotta put in work. Step 1 is rank up in vanguard. They're the easiest/fastest. And have a solid variety of guns and armor to help create a good load out to compliment your style. Work them bounties and the vanguard playlist for marks and rep. If rep is where you're coming up short, grind patrol missions and especially bounties. Next step is to get your crucible rank up to 3, again for the variety and large selection. Do the daily every day for strange coins so you have the option to get an exotic from xur that better compliments your style. Do every public event you see, you will get some kind of legendary at the postmaster(ascendant materials are just as important). You're much more likely to find legendary items from story, but every now and then you will completely randomly get an exotic as a reward in crucible. Its really important to grind bounties because you will randomly get exotic bounties. Treasure these lvl 25 days. Its a very tedious and slow grind afterwards. I was lvl 27 for probably a month. Friend a lot of random people you can find on destiny's Facebook because someone will need help and someone will help you.
Edited by Uncatchable: 10/30/2014 12:03:44 AMI do agree. But where in life do you see that those who spent less time thriving for something actually become the best at that something ? I don't mean to insult you or tell you to " if you don't like it, don't play it." It is simply the truth, those who spend more time should be higher level and what not. I can only wish you could have more free time to play the game. On that note, I say bye. Add me. I'll be more than glad to jump into games with you. [b]PressBforbacon[/b]
Make sure you cap out your vanguard and/or crucible marks for the week and buy the gear from the venders.
I agree. This game is fun, but requires a time commitment beyond that available to casual fans who don't dedicate hours every day to it.
You act like someone is gonna take the game away you have all the time in the world
Your point is a good one. For me, the grind feels a little insurmountable.
What console are you on?
Do bounties, get a fireteam to do weekly heroic and nightfall if you can, do tiger strike play list, do patrol missions. It really isn't hard to make vanguard 2 if you are focusing on it
Edited by OGTRIPLEXxxL: 10/29/2014 11:49:04 PMJust sayin, Im level 24 and yeah it sucks. Its understandable though, I am a casual player. Think of it this way, say you've only played for roughly 60 hours. This other max level guys runnin 100+ hours. With random number generation in effect we'd have to be insanely lucky to have even close to the same gear he/she had. Just be patient, these things will come in time. Just don't waste too much time dancin around tower when you could be spending the precious little time you have to be working toward that next level. p.s.... for the love of god don't forget the bounties.
Do more vanguard bounties and strike mission and you should advance to higher LV. I have the worst luck when it come to random loot but I am at lv 28 . Just keep grinding . I am looking forward for this DLC I just hope I get the Hardlight exotic AR befor the DLC come out :)
Send me a friend request. BaaaLockaY I'd be glad to help you out with the nightfall/weekly heroic.
Bruh maybe if you weren't bad then you wouldn't have any problem getting to 26 and up #NoFilter
Im a descent play the engrams I get are like for level 15 and and Destiny be like you went on a 24-0 in crucible here have a level 5 hand cannon. In total I've gotten 1 legendary engram that gave me only a mote of light
Im a descent play the engrams I get are like for level 15 and and Destiny be like you went on a 24-0 in crucible here have a level 5 hand cannon. In total I've gotten 1 legendary engram that gave me only a mote of light
I'm descent not too good not too shabby but they never give good engrams i get rare engrams and thats it never legendary i only got 1 legendary and ive been play for like a 3 weeks now and people are already on level 30
bought almost all my armor... "git gud" doesn't apply here, but "get SMART" does
Getting rep and marks is how you get to level 29. Get to level two rep and buy three pieces of armor from vanguard. Strikes are the best way for marks and bounties for rep.
Change your pad and stop being a bitch #GetOffended
Dude I'm the same it's taken me a week to nearly get to 26! Gotta say I'm enjoying it though
Edited by MRBROWN33: 10/29/2014 11:55:05 PMI've had the game from day one, I work so I'm not on it 24/7 and I'm a level 28, depending on what items I use. Being a level 26 in just a week is pretty good going. The best way to rank up is to do your bounties and patrol missions. Bountys will give you vanguard xp and the patrols will give you vanguard marks.