Well then Microsoft shouldn't have paid all that money it. Oop$. Btw, the reboot was critically acclaimed. If you haven't played it, you're missing out.
At least Tomb Raider is given to you in full once it becomes available. Xbox players pay the same amount as Playstation players for less content.
You're mistaken. All content on PlayStation will be available to Xbox owners next year. Probably in September, maybe earlier. So if you buy the dlc, you'll get the two strikes and exotics you didn't have when the exclusivity ends.
I'm not mistaken, reread my comment again. I said that when Tomb Raider is released to PS players they will get the [i]whole[/i] game, with everything the same as the Xbox version. Xbox players pay all 20 dollars this December, for not all of the content that is given to PS players when it is released. We have to wait another whole year to get that content, when you have already had it for that length, and we paid the same for less as you.
You're still mistaken, even by your logic. You're paying the same, and will receive the same content, just not at the same time. That sucks. I agree. But having locked-out content that you will eventually receive is very different from paying the same and never getting the PlayStation exclusive content at all.
Okay well what I don't understand is why are they forcing us to pay for something we won't get until [i]next year[/i]? I have the season pass already, somewhat regrettably, so I'm getting the content in the end, but why force people who will buy the expansions individually to pay for something they probably won't ever get because they won't stick around that long? This kind of exclusive is just plain stupid, same goes for the Tomb Raider timed exclusive. It segments the population, we are all supposed to be gamers, together, no matter what system we have.