This only furthers the argument that Destiny is a cleverly dressed rip off.
60 for a game that almost EVERYONE complained about for a lack of narrative and empty atmosphere.
20 MORE dollars for 3. Thats right, 3 missions to "advance" the "story". Missions we will most likely blast through in 30 minutes total and be forced to replay a hundred times over to get any progress to the 2. THATS RIGHT, 2 EXTRA LEVELS they bumped the cap up to.
New skins for a useless ship feature that they should just implement for free at random times anyway, and new gun skins with probably no actual statistical variation.
and MAYBE 2 pieces of armor for each class. and a raid, probably the only exciting part. Thats what your money gets. Not to mention the exclusivity rip off that theyre giving to PS for no apparent reason. What a rude move to their fans and customers on Xbox. Just unbelievable really.
Don't forget that 3.2 million people log on daily to play for 3+ hours. Every single day since launch.
Seriously, this should have been included with the $60 dollar purchase or at least reduced the cost of the expansion by half.
[quote] Not to mention the exclusivity rip off that theyre giving to PS for no apparent reason. What a rude move to their fans and customers on Xbox. Just unbelievable really.[/quote] My god. Bungie [i]does[/i] have fans that play on Playstation, you know. And also, it's business mate. Why should they be "loyal" to Xbox when you only had a small handful of exclusive games? Bungie [i]have[/i] made other games that weren't exclusive to Xbox. Seriously, build a bridge and get over it, dude.
but its for the same price...mate. that isnt fair on any level that someone should pay 20 dollars to get less than someone else just because they chose a different console. Maybe at launch you can include like an exclusive armor piece or something but not for a DLC, thats just mean. Not business at all in fact.
Edited by Livid: 10/30/2014 1:23:46 AMI wasn't calling you out about pricing. I just hate it when people say Bungie should be loyal to Xbox gamers. Why should they? Because you got 5 awesome Halo games exclusive to Xbox? That doesn't mean Bungie owe you anything. And even if it did, that's Activision. Bungie didn't make the exclusivity deal with Sony. Activision did. That's just how business works.
no dude, im saying there should be no exclusivity on a game that is sold on all consoles. That doesnt make any sense. I never owned an Xbox, never owned a Halo game. Im saying its unfair and odd to sell a game on all systems but then charge all of them the same price and then give one system more content for the same price. If anything it just looks like the Xboxers are getting ripped off, not that the PS people are getting a gift. The content should just be what it is, no added shit. Its all money in the pocket so people will be encouraged to buy PS and Destiny.
Now [b]that[/b], I agree with.
That's how business works. I know, it sucks.
Edited by DIGS_T: 10/29/2014 11:51:22 PMFirst off, the stupid xbox players knew it before buying the game! Oh well too bad. Second, this DLC is worthless
Sorry? Stupid? When I got my digital download, it didn't mention any release dates on the dlc nor did offer any additional information on the release date at the time. Your argument is invalid. Other than that, I'm not actually mad for this exclusivity deal. It just doesn't make sense. So PSN paid Activision for exclusivity (just as MS paid Rockstar for GTAIV exclusive content), Bungie gets practically diddily squat for the deal, part of the Xbox fanbase gets pissed and it's costing Activision money in the long run while Bungie gets about 20% of their fanbase up in arms decked out in exotic pitchforks and burning sticks? What were the decision makers smoking when they thought this was a good idea? Haha, I mean have YOU ever considered changing your console preference for minor additions like these expansions? I buy a console for the ease of use, its functionality, its community and most importantly its games. But never have I ever considered the possible expansions to possibly be released on a possibly earlier date than some other platforms, in making my purchasing decisions. It's entertaining to see it all go down while people are getting frustrated. I would have liked to see Bungie transcend mainstream business propositions in favor of their community (as they have beautifully done with Halo 3). I don't care whether you play it on PSN or XBL. Hell you could be playing it on PC MASTERRACE for all I care. The fact is; if you play it then you're a part of the community. A true multiplatformer should never let a brand name split up its own userbase. This to me is strike 2, another one and Bungie's out. FYI; SNES, N64, PSX, PS2, XBOX, X360, PS4, Xone, Steam ( :p ), ... and Legend of Zelda, Goldeneye, Gran Turismo, Metal Gear Solid, Counter Strike, LoL, Halo, The Last of Us, GTA, Forza Motorsport, Age of Empires, etc etc etc. and Bungie has been my #1 developer for over a decade now. Loosing points really, really quick. There two cents.
Ok stupid was not needed. The point is, sony and microsoft are competitors and have to try to outdo each other. I never once complained about xbox getting COD stuff first cuz i understood its what they do to get an extra paycheck which in turn may help improve the game. With destiny, activision made the best offer and playstation got the upper hand. I certainly dont expect people to buy other counsel for such a thing. But be patient and enjoy. I am guessing xbox will be sure to take the exclusives on the next big multi platform title.
Dude, you're missing my point. :) Albeit a Utopian notion but developers and publishers shouldn't fall into the death trap that is the exclusivity battle between Sony and MS. It adds absolutely nothing to the overall experience as a gamer. You gain content on title X and loose content on title Y. I don't want that, I don't want you to miss out because you have another preference in terms of platform. That's ridiculous. For 6 years I couldn't care less about the timed exclusives on COD. It's a stupid strategy. Simple. Btw, no offense taken my fellow gamer :)
I do understand. Thank you.
The last I checked, they never said "Oh btw, the timed exclusive content will be on a DLC and everyone pays the same price but Xbox players get less content" Everyone who bought Destiny on Xbox 360/One thought it's the DLC as a whole is gonna be late to us.
Oh god please shoot yourself
Yes, watched that earlier. Great video!