That's it? No matchmaking? I still haven't completed the vault of glass, and before some troll or fanboy decides call me a whiner, I say how am I whining? I mean this forum is solely meant for this purpose, so they can improve the game. I don't have a raid team worth of friends to run the vault effectively and without matchmaking or even some type way to have dialogue with other players in game, I can't enjoy the game as much as I would like. It's a fun game but come on now we're asking for some really basic things. Matchmaking and/or proximity chat. Come on help a bro out, please bungie.
If you go to the forums you can find a thread for your console for people searching for raid members. Its how I've completed the raid and found a group of people to do it with consistently
Yeah I don't about you but I didn't pay sixty dollars plus more for dlc, to do what the game should do. I know it sounds unreasonable but come on is proximity chat really that bad of an idea I just wanna get that social aspect, being a guardian feels lonely lol
I completely agree with you that the game should have either matchmaking or some form of social communication. It should really have both. But since it doesn't have to make due with what we have until that point which hopefully isn't far off but with the way things are looking it won't be until spring or summer of next year.
I'm pretty much done holding my breath for actual improvements to this game
[quote]That's it? No matchmaking? I still haven't completed the vault of glass, and before some troll or fanboy decides call me a whiner, I say how am I whining? I mean this forum is solely meant for this purpose, so they can improve the game. I don't have a raid team worth of friends to run the vault effectively and without matchmaking or even some type way to have dialogue with other players in game, I can't enjoy the game as much as I would like. It's a fun game but come on now we're asking for some really basic things. Matchmaking and/or proximity chat. Come on help a bro out, please bungie.[/quote] You want to do the raid now? Psn ilsephirothil
[quote][quote]That's it? No matchmaking? I still haven't completed the vault of glass, and before some troll or fanboy decides call me a whiner, I say how am I whining? I mean this forum is solely meant for this purpose, so they can improve the game. I don't have a raid team worth of friends to run the vault effectively and without matchmaking or even some type way to have dialogue with other players in game, I can't enjoy the game as much as I would like. It's a fun game but come on now we're asking for some really basic things. Matchmaking and/or proximity chat. Come on help a bro out, please bungie.[/quote] You want to do the raid now? Psn ilsephirothil[/quote] Only people who will use the matchmaking will be really bad scrubs. Use the app and join a fireteam on tuesdays or wendsdays like the rest of us. Or your simply not good enough for it.
No I'm on hulu