I don't see where people are reading that Xbox players have to wait a year for this DLC. Anyone wanna explain it?
Edited by GeekStanton: 10/29/2014 11:44:26 PMAt launch, PS/Sony had a 1-year contract for additional exclusive content. This is for the base game and the 1st two DLCs. They'll have access to weapons and strikes that the Xbox community will have to wait a year for.
You don't have to wait an entire year for the DLC. Playstation users get a 2nd strike, multiplayer maps, and I'm sure a weapon that xbox users won't get for a year
Have to wait a year for a strike that is part of the dlc, everyone gets the dlc on December 9th. Xboxes get less of it for the same price, nice huh?
Just business I guess
Wasn't just business when tomb raider was Xbox exclusive...
They don't have to wait a year for this dlc. Playstation gets an extra strike (2) while xbox just gets the 1. Playstation also gets a few exotics and extra gear that xbox doesn't get in the dlc. The strike and extra gear will be available for the xbox next September. Both still get the dlc
Inb4 Xbox is charged for it again (just a joke)
Edited by Mercules904: 10/30/2014 1:55:07 AMPS users will get an exclusive strike (on top of the one included) from release until fall 2015. They will also get another things not yet mentioned.
So we do get the will of Crota