Jeez are people that cheap? Are there really that many people without jobs? Im pretty sure even if you're making minimum wage (at least in the US), it would only take about 2-3 hours to make $20 (am i wrong? I wouldnt know, minimum wage is high over here and i make more than it lol). Most people over 30 years of age make $20 in less than an hour (purely an assumtion based on personal experience). So with all that content, it should keep the average Destiny player occupied for at least that same amount of time, probably more, considering the raid should take 1-2 hours on the first attempt.
That seriously isnt worth it? Idk. Everyone has way too much expectation. Sure, three story missions doesnt sound like enough to make up for the lack of story already being an issue. But, with all that other content, it sure sounds more worth it that most popular games' DLC. Cough cough CoD cough cough.
Yes i already purchased the season pass, so maybe i am just making an excuse for why i did so, but i also believe that most of the negative feedback on here is extremely biased and misinformed. This is a preview of the content, and we have yet to experience it, so there is no way to know for sure. I just hope when December 9 rolls around, i am still as optimistic as i am now.
I am excited for The Dark Below, but of course, Bungie, theres always room for more. Keep listening to the feedback and make proper adjustments. Thats all you can do.
I'm wit u there. If u can't afford $20 for more content, you should't have bought a $400 console. Repairs on a BMW or Mercedes Benz isn't cheap. Lol
This guy understands. It's not that tough to make a little money. And it takes work to make more of the game. Not sure about you, but I like getting paid when I do extra work.
It's the DLC PLC Where we make money selling people things that were free Welcome to the DLC PLC Where we charge you for things you bought previously
You really sound like a douche. And 99% of the people probably agree with me on here. Lol.
I have yet to see someone agree
People just feel entitled to have everything... Look at it this way, the more money Bungie makes, the more money they can put to improve the game. No matter what price you pay for a game, it is a type of investment. No one is forcing you guys to pay the money by the way...
It isn't about the money for most people. Oh and just a side note if you think most people over 20 make more than $20 an hour you are living in a fantasy world.
Over 20 includes 21-100+
He said at minimum wage it would take 2-3 hours to make $20. Minimum wage is not as low as it used to be.
the problem is that they are selling a product that is already on the disc that we already purchased and simply unlocking it they need to stop taking these terrible ideas from cod
Only thing that has been confirmed on the disc already is the map layout. Thats it. You call that content? I havent seen anyone glitch into any of the parts mentioned today in the Dark Below preview except the strike, and did it have enemies? No. An objective? No. Drops? No. Maybe it had a couple ghosts, but if you're complaining about not being able to access an empty map and a ghost or two, thats just silly.
[quote]Only thing that has been confirmed on the disc already is the map layout. Thats it. You call that content? I havent seen anyone glitch into any of the parts mentioned today in the Dark Below preview except the strike, and did it have enemies? No. An objective? No. Drops? No. Maybe it had a couple ghosts, but if you're complaining about not being able to access an empty map and a ghost or two, thats just silly.[/quote] Haha man they can block the spawns and the loads but not the map but the fact that it's there goes to show that it there and people have gotten into parts on the moon too and it's connected via their servers so they block what they can it's supposed to last 10 years for half it won't last for more then 1 you don't have to agree and u prob know nothing about the game industry or how they are put together but usually when there are acessable areas like that it means they intended that to be in the game originally and cut it for what ever reason it's fine if the game had a story of any kind that didn't have to be read and more then a hand full of missions to replay all but too many times in my opinion it came out to early just like titanfall and it wasent finished just pushed out to meet a deadline I doesn't matter in the end we can argue as long as you want it won't change a thing I just should have waited a couple of years for a complete game to be bought in the end I will still play untill the better bungie creations are all put on one disc and again when the doc comes out
Not about the money, but my problem is how they gave us a game with DLC that should of been in the game since the beginning. Bungie plans to give us the extra content as 20 dollar DLC!.. The game is not unfinished.. The game is finished but it got broken down into small little pieces to sell those little pieces to the community.
LOL @ thinking they are listening to feedback. Players: IMPROVE PVE! IMPROVE DISCONNECTS! IMPROVE BUGS! Bungie: Here's moar Iron Banner!
Its not the job thing. So say im selling a cookie. I say this cookie is the best cookie ever. u can decorate it, it has the best flavor. Its just the best. So u see this cookie and ur like shit that looks good. So i say $15. U give the $15 and i give u the cookie. You take a bite and ur like oh this is pretty good but its only half a cookie. I go, oh u want more of the cookie? Give me another $10 and ill give you another piece! Would you like if i did that to you? I dont think so. But in the same manner thats what bungie did to us!!! Stop making it seem like the gamers are the problem. There are more gamers mad at bungie then gamers who are happy. Its not a bandwagon thing, theres actually a reason why its like this. People realize they got robbed and theyre speaking out about it. If you wanna get robbed and say nothing about it then go for it but dont talk against the people voicing there opinions on bungie and its false advertised game.
Realistically its not about the money kid.. it's the principle of them telling you will get all of these things but when you purchase the product it was missing parts.. and the that company saying well here is half of the missing parts but we want more money. It's called bad business it's called be shady.. but I would think to most people it's not about the money you can even go to a restaurant to have dinner and some beer for 20$.
Lol "kid" Yea i bet you've got less than 10 years on me. I work with people your age. Dont call people kid over the internet, you sound like a pretentious, egotistic fool. Age doesnt make you superior, just older. And besides that, we arent talking about the base-game, we are talking about DLC. Yes i agree, the disc release content did seem to be advertised as much more, that is pretty evident. But they have not advertised anything about DLC, except the price and the name (up until today). So really, there shouldnt have been expectation for this "grand, epic expansion". We never knew anything, its our fault for paying for it. But yea disc release did not live up to expectation and yea people should be frustrated. But like you said, thats business
Edited by dabish90: 10/30/2014 12:07:45 AMI'm 24?
LOL!!!!!!!!!! you've got a year on me. Sorry gramps, didnt know you had so much seniority in public opinion, i'll step back next time and let the OG do the talkin. Lmao. You prooved my point. Pretentious egotistic fool with a superiority complex. Silly kid
I'm 32 both comments are irrelevant now lol look how silly that sounds. C'mon guys let's stop this nonsense.
Sorry, we're just kids Lmao
Silly kids lol
Silly kids, Trix are for rabbits .....wait....
Lol yeah! Now you've got the spirit!