So as British player on the Xbone I have to pay 50% more than an American PS4 player, for 15% less content.
Or, buy MCC and get 100 maps, 4 campaigns, a live action tv series and a beta for the price of a Destiny season pass.
Not a hard choice.
Actually it's because you still live under a monarchy. Get your facts right.
Can't blame Bungie for your 40% tax levels. Someone has to fit the bill and as usually it's the common folk. America is on the path of becoming more like Britain if the people don't do something about it at the polls.
VAT is only 20% here, and sales tax is 6-10% in the US. So that really doesn't account for the price difference.
Nothing wrong with being like the UK. From what I've seen over my lifetime, they are way more cultured and tolerant than we are in the US.
hahaha aye right, the next coalition party in government is led with fascists actually heil hitler fascists not the dicks that screw over anyone they can
Man, I tell you something alright, Bungie's own creation is gonna bite them in their ass this November 11 and I'm gonna be there to laugh at this DLC. Just insanely laugh at it. *cues Halo theme*
*cue hair rising on arms*
LOL, clicked the link and got a PS4-commercial prior to the Halo theme song. The IRONY hahahahahahaha.
And I really had goosebumps haha everytime I hear this theme. Oh ya, another person Bungie screwed over, Marty The Elder
Freedom tax lol
I don't think this has anything to do with bungie. It may be a tax or law causing them to sell it for more.
I doubt it, this isn't normal for DLC.
Man, I live in Canada, do you know how much beer and liquor costs up here compared to the states? No joke it's triple the cost, just because of the tax. Its the way it works sometimes.
Belgian over here. I pay up to six times the price for the exact same Belgian beer over in the States. Mostly taxes and shipping, for a good part just demand. But a digital expansion? Haha taxes or shipping? That's a joke. Price differences are nowhere near 40% for that kind of product both in most EU-countries and the UK.
What's MCC
Halo: Master Chief Collection
But its the same campaign you've done already
With new content.
yeah and we never repeat missions in Destiny, riiiight hahha
Missions in Destiny have no soul. Even the first time you see an Elite in Halo 4 causes shivers. Every time I see an enemy in Destiny I just sigh, roll my eyes and mutter 'here we go again ...' Destiny has no soul or personality.
it has the soul of an MMO stuck in a first person shooters body, and the map-size of a linear open-world experience.
Rather that than grind for a shader.
That RNGesus isn't going to give you.
Admit it, the Rocket Launcher, Spartan Laser and the BR are the only TRUE exotics...