[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
2 questions with no whining/complaining. I get the exclusive content deals, they have been going on for a long time and will continue to happen. My questions are this: 1) The exclusive content has been reported as being exclusive until at least Fall 2015. That nebulous time frame raises the question is it possible the content will remain exclusive indefinitely? As in Sony has an option to renew and as long as they keep throwing money at it they can keep it exclusive? If its not indefinite is there a more concrete date that the content can be guaranteed to show up on xbox1? Or even date range such as no earlier than X and no later than Y? 2) Assuming the content does not remain exclusive indefinitely, how will Xbox1 users acquire it? Will it be a free update to all? Will it be matched with the original DLC? Or worst case scenario will it all be bundled together as another standalone DLC that xbox1 users will have to pay extra for to get the PS exclusive content? Those on the wrong side of an exclusive content deal will rarely be happy, but at least addressing the when and the how with more specific details will allow some to better accept the reality of it. It seems that in comparison to other exclusive content deals that it is the price vs content disparity between systems and the nebulous/extended time frames that are at the root of most discontent. #Deej #DLC #MailSack