I've had the game from day one, I work so I'm not on it 24/7 and I'm a level 28, depending on what items I use. Being a level 26 in just a week is pretty good going. The best way to rank up is to do your bounties and patrol missions. Bountys will give you vanguard xp and the patrols will give you vanguard marks.
No sorry dude I said that wrong, it's taken me a week to get from 25 to nearly 26! And Ive put quite a few hours In this week as I'm not at work. I need an item with Light +1 more then I have to get to 26 but every time I get engram it's less then I have!! I originally thought when you discard an item with light you still get the light! I was wrong there.... It's a great game and I'm still compelled to carry on mainly because I wanna do the VOG, I've kept away from spoilers for it and I'm curious! Nice one dude Take it easy Guardian