Some people have school debt, car debt and bills and are on a tight fund. When they hear about a game they are excited for they buy it and the expansion expecting it to be the only game they buy for months. When they lose content or don't get it for a year and when the game becomes old and a disappointment, especially after over 100 hours of playing, then yes they do have a right to be angry. I bought this game expectin more because we were promised an open world environment where we decide our destiny. We weren't promised a game that we have a level 30 level cap where we have to grind for years just to level up and hope we get armor and weapons to help us level up. Then to find out they completely spliced the game and story they had been working on for 4 years because of money greed? Yes we are angry. And I know people will rebuttal saying I've played like 110 hours and yes me and my roommate have played a lot. However, it is too redundant now to keep playing without new content that isn't overpriced like the game was.
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