I'm a PS4 user. I got all the free content. I didn't like tons of PS exclusive content (for example little big planet.) I can laugh all day about xbox users getting less game for the same price.
But I actually can't laugh about it. If it was the other way around I would be very very annoyed. So yeah OP, I agree with you. Exclusive content is kind of crap. I feel empathy for your troubles.
Ehhhh I get it though. Sony paid for top billing with Destiny so I can understand a month or two like the COD map packs but a year? I'm pretty sure nobody will be playing this in a couple of months, let alone a year.
Thank you... This is why I hate console exclusivity. Even if I had a PlayStation, I would be annoyed by this crap, because I can imagine what it would be like to be on the other side. It wouldn't be as bad if they weren't making us wait until next Fall... if they were to release the PlayStation exclusives in, say... January of next year, I wouldn't complain as much. But making us wait a whole year is ridiculous.
You go to discuss the game with a mate "Yeah I got this gun last night on - o wait u don't have that level??" Awkward. Proceed to talk about pokemon
Not draven
Not draaven!