[quote][quote]That's it? No matchmaking? I still haven't completed the vault of glass, and before some troll or fanboy decides call me a whiner, I say how am I whining? I mean this forum is solely meant for this purpose, so they can improve the game. I don't have a raid team worth of friends to run the vault effectively and without matchmaking or even some type way to have dialogue with other players in game, I can't enjoy the game as much as I would like. It's a fun game but come on now we're asking for some really basic things. Matchmaking and/or proximity chat. Come on help a bro out, please bungie.[/quote]
You want to do the raid now? Psn ilsephirothil[/quote]
Only people who will use the matchmaking will be really bad scrubs. Use the app and join a fireteam on tuesdays or wendsdays like the rest of us. Or your simply not good enough for it.
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