As one of the adults out here. Why are we Xbox One owners paying the same for content that has a delayed release? Regardless if we are PS4, Xbox One fans. At the end of the day, we're all having fun gaming. We know both companies feel the pockets of studios like yours, that's fine. But delayed content for either system I feel hurts everyone. To say you enjoy one system over the other we all know is part of marketing because at the end of the day. You could care less, you want to see Destiny on every console.
Eh its just one strike and a few skin off my hide
If it bothers you just wait to buy it when the content is out on the Xbox. Or just get a PS4
Ignorant statement. Who would buy another system just for a dlc? And most people bought there system before they knew of the content delays for Xbox..
Fine, then just be patient and vote with your wallet by waiting to buy it. Or get it and wait for the rest of it to be out. You lot play the game sans one strike and exotic since launch and its not interfering, you are still getting all of the content just going to wait for it. The worse part I think is that you possibly miss out on Grimoire lore associated with the strike. I apologize for suggesting getting an entire other console to play content earlier.
With the reduced amounts of exclusives the consoles have Microsoft and Sony spend inordinate amounts of money to studios to have some kind of exclusivity. Imagine how many people bought a ps4 because of this, I personally know two. Typically the last generation Microsoft has been on the winning side. This time seems Sony is willing to pony up more money. This same tirade is as endless as the horde at the loot cave used to be. Unfortunately we can't patch this one.
True I am missing just a few things, and I could have spoken with my wallet. Being a video game, film artist myself. I wanted to support not only the game but the artist involved. Even with all the flaws the game looked to be a huge undertaking. All valid opinions but if this is a community they seem to care about. They need to hear different concerns about practices like this.