Its F U C K ING bull that PS users get exclusive content when we pay the same price as they do for online services and dlc, but the difference is xbox users have been loyal to you guys since halo, i never heard of any PS user ever switch to xbox just to play halo.......
Its console timed dlc a lot of games do it. Its not really an F.U.
[quote]Oh yeah, cause xbone never gets early content...Battlefield 3 and 4 DLC's, COD DLC's...should I go on?[/quote] Thats not the point. If you pay for something shouldnt you get it?
You will.... In a year lmao!!!! Xbone sucks
THEN DONT PAY FOR IT BYEEE is probably what every staff mate at Bungie is saying lol
[quote]THEN DONT PAY FOR IT BYEEE is probably what every staff mate at Bungie is saying lol[/quote] Lmao you dont get it. They lied to the people took their money and lied. idk how old you are or if you work, but thats unethical...