Will not be buying the DLC for this game. I love the game, but i will not be -blam!-ing jerked around by bungie. So we pay 20$ for the same DLC as PSN, and what do we get? LESS -blam!-ING CONTENT THAN PSN!
No i never said anything about a "shit load of content". I said that we get less than Playstation for the same amount of money. If it was the Playstation users that were getting screwed then all of you would be mad. So far you have gotten a strike, a multiplayer map, and 2 exotics that i know of. As if thats not enough now ypu get MORE extra content.
You act like we got a shit load of content.. we didn't by the way
Go cry in the corner some more ...
I love all the PS players saying stuff like this. If it was you then you would be mad too.
I'm on PSN, and i haven't read about xbox getting less, but that is BS, get less stuff than the already tiny amount we are getting. I for one am with you, and am a representative of the ps users who aren't total dykes because Xbox supposedly has been to us,(when have you guys done that, im asking people who aren't console war fans, they have, and the people who wipe it in u guys faces are probably to)
Edited by LumpSlumper: 10/30/2014 12:35:06 AMRight i feel like we are all getting screwed with a small amount of content as well. I know that it may be the "xbox day of reckoning" as some playstation users say. I just think that if we all give the same amount of money, we should get the same content.
It feels like cod dlc, barely anything, just for mp maps, an one other thing all for $15, while this only has one more special thing, a few story maps, and some guns/armor.
This is true as well.
Xbox always gets DLC first.. Please refer to my first comment..
This is the main reason why all the Playstation users tell the xbox users to shut up, i know. I never said that was fair either. In my opinion there should be no exclusive content. I think that if we all pay the same money we should get the same content at the same time.
All they get is one extra strike and like one or 2 weapons and thats pretty much it, you know we will be getting the rest of the stuff later right?
Edited by LumpSlumper: 10/30/2014 12:27:03 AMDo i know that we will be getting all of this in another year? Why yes i do. Am i still mad because i would like to play it now while the game is new and thriving? Hell yes.
Patience is of virtue my friend. Everything in due time
Edited by Gamingking019: 10/30/2014 12:14:42 PMOnly thing that might not let that work is If Bungie doesn't fix all the bugs, then with all the new games coming out, destiny will stand no chance, and everyone will quit because they can't play.
I suppose so.