I see they marketed this as PS gets more, not XB gets less. No other way to do it.
People need to realize this is DLC. It's not an expansion (as they've taken to calling it). All this will do is add to the rotation. It's adding to the rotation in regards to the story/dailies. It's adding to the rotation for strikes via weeklies/nightfall/tiger strikes. It's adding to the PVP rotation via maps. It's adding to the grind by adding more gear/weapons.
I'm not saying this is good or bad. I'm just stating what this is. Everyone gets a little something.
The problem I see with this, however, is that for Destiny to keep the players interested long term, they'll need to either make full game expansions (think WoW) or make it to where you can port your character to Destiny 2 (think Mass Effect).
The issues with the WoW route, is that this game will need a complete overhaul. The maps don't support this play style and there is literally only one "town".
The issues with the Mass Effect route is that I'm getting the vibe that this isn't what the players want. $60 for the purchase of this game and it feels like I bought a prologue. Destiny 2 will give me more of what I want? So another $60, plus the DLC's along the way?
The problem I am having (personal gripe time) is that it's getting harder and harder for me to want to invest my time in something that I just don't know where it's headed. With Diablo, you knew what it was all about. Borderlands. WoW. CoD. Tomb Raider. Zelda. Mario. You know what those games are about and what your ROI will be. But in Destiny, what's our ROI?! I mean seriously.. There are those of us with multiple raid notches in our belt and little/nothing to show for it. Hours turned into nothing but frustration and angst. There are those of us whom have spent days - literally days - trying to "become legend", but where will that take us in the end?
I don't know guys.. I wasn't one of the first to pull the plug on this game.. but it's looking like I definitely won't be the last.
$60 for a two month long online experience and $20 every month or two after that? plus a monthly fee to play the online content?... seems worth it to me. Seriously they only had a 2 month plan and the content lasted approx. 10 hours total, if you hit the level cap got the gear and did the raid and that's it. I don't see how ANYONE would think this is okay and i hope if we play our cards right bungie will go bankrupt or hire people that know what to do and analyze what a game like this should be all about.
Exactly. Even Bungie calling it an expansion is completely incorrect & misleading. This is only a DLC pack.
It literally says expansion 1 the dark below on there cover poster
Is that what this is to you? An expansion?
O no this is bullshit. It's a joke of an expansion, but you said people need to realize this isn't an expansion but it is. I'm not buying it, I think it's a massive rip off and I have the xbone and I'm not paying for less content
That's more my point. It's labeled as an expansion but that's not what you're getting. Starcraft had expansions. WoW had expansions. This? This isn't an expansion.
100% agree. ..when other games do expansions it's an entire game.
Except they bundled the DLC under the title, "Expansion Pass." Just sayin'...
It also has link saying "buy expansion". But is that what this is to you?
No, I agree it's clearly DLC. I doubt it will add to the "story." I'm just pointing out that Bungie is calling it an "expansion."
I gotcha. I was trying to get people to see it's not an expansion at all.. They call it that knowing players WANT more. They NEED more. So they call it an expansion and say "look at all this new stuff" when in actuality, it's only adding to the rotation. We'll still have to fight the Archon 7 times a week. That's not gonna change..