Yes, but the key factor here is time. Whereas play station users had to wait only a month for content they paid for, Xbox users have to wait a whole year. We were all fine with the 2 exotics and 1 extra strike play station got at launch, but this DLC just feels like salt in the wound. We have to wait a whole year for this content, and seeing as this will most likely be done in House of Wolves, this content will build up. I just don't see Xbox users playing this game for the next year, so to me it feels like this was truly wasted :/
I agree. Bungie has definitely cross into the dark side. Xbox box users will pretty much be dropping this game soon, and eventually Playstation users will to. If these issues keep up, Destiny will eventually go completely downhill.
Unfortunately. I really wished this DLC would reverse Destiny's downhill launch, but it doesn't look like it.