You know I am not usually one to join in on the bashing and usually dont speak my mind about things like this, but this is getting out of hand. You guys need to take your heads out of your asses and realize, that you're not hurting microsoft like you want to, and realize that you're only hurting the people who buy your game. People love your game! And will love it no matter what system it is played on. So get over you beef with microsoft and start focusing on what matters.
Edited by Gamingking019: 10/30/2014 12:25:29 AMI got to admit, every one who is raging bout dlc, IDC, but i gotta agree with people who can't play and are mad bout it , but once i got the baboon error, that took away many hours of possible play time, and many items that could have helped me, like the daily mission and heroic strikes. But you know, BUNGIE WONT FIX THE BABOONS,