So we get 1 strike 1 raid, 3 story missions and 3 multiplayer maps. That was cut from the game and we are paying $20.00 more for this? This was already finished prior to launch, the way you treat your community, your loyal fans is disgusting. This should of already been included in the game.
Bump if you agree.
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Hey don't blame bungie... Activision is getting bungie to do this so activision can make money....
So you think bungie dont have a saying in this all???? Bungie is one of the biggest franchises, they just wanted more mobey and if xbox gave more mobey then ps4, xbox wouldve gotten the exclusives. So thats really bullshit what youre saying
[quote]So you think bungie dont have a saying in this all???? Bungie is one of the biggest franchises, they just wanted more mobey and if xbox gave more mobey then ps4, xbox wouldve gotten the exclusives. So thats really bullshit what youre saying[/quote]No actually activision is trying to make money as well as bungie but activision wanted them to cut parts out of the game to sell as DLC...
Yeah but if bungie decided it shouldve been in the game to start with, it wouldve been in the game. People guve too much credit to bungie only for halo. Halo is history, its next gen so come with that next gen stuff..
To dance the tango, you need two.
DLC = Destiny Locked Content
Deej will probably just mute everyone who bumps this, so he can pretend the community is happy with the DLC announcement.
I agree. They say they're just working on the content now but I'm pretty sure its finished they had sooooooooo much time to finish that lackluster story
Bump Though since I got the digital, I want my money back at this point
Me too, is there a way to get it back?
As far as I know, no.
Bump it up!
All you ungrateful pricks have probably already put 150+ hours into this game and still think that's not worth 60$?! Just because Bungie was smart and planned ahead and included the maps and content MOSTLY already in the game so you little whiners don't have to download it for the dlc when it comes out doesn't mean Bungie just randomly decided to lock away content just to piss you off. Seriously, nobody cares that you all think you deserve more when you've already gotten a ton of stuff for the same price that you bought middle earth and put it down after 20 hours and came back to destiny. I've had a blast with this game for almost 200 hours and am looking forward to the dlc and I will GLADLY pay 20$ for the new raid alone, let alone more story and multiplayer maps and strikes and gear and weapons. This will more than likely add another 60-80 hours of gameplay for me. I'm happy with that. Bravo Bungie, keep up the good work!
I agree, clearly the content was planned for and they're just shaping the systems which determine loot, interactions, and glitch testing. It's so stupid to think they created and then locked or deleted the content--if it's locked then it can be unlocked--if it's already on the disc then don't you think someone smart enough to come along and steal it or find a way in? Nobody thinks this shit through, consumers are the first to yell and scream when they don't get what they want, they're too quick to blame someone, and too lazy to think. The customer is not, in fact, always right. Most of the time they're just stupid.