So we get 1 strike 1 raid, 3 story missions and 3 multiplayer maps. That was cut from the game and we are paying $20.00 more for this? This was already finished prior to launch, the way you treat your community, your loyal fans is disgusting. This should of already been included in the game.
Bump if you agree.
Edit1: a PETITION is now LIVE! Sign here:
I've said enough on these forums that its not worth the argument so im just reading what people have to say and like it if I agree. Watch this video and open your eyes community we are profit. Http://
Super Bump
This dlc has nothing to do with what is on disc and locked
Bump Where the F is the story we've been led to expect? Where's the customization? Where is the dynamic open world we were promised and shown in E3 demos and YouTube videos? How can I forge my own personal legend when there seems to be only ONE approved path toward legend, the path that the developers choose for me, not a path I choose for myself? The raid patch is neither here nor there for me, though I think it is symptomatic of a larger problem, the problem being that the community's voice, the customer's preference, is going either unheard or disregarded. In an age of crowdsourcing, crowdfunding, vast online communities and a time when a consumer has the ability to have direct input into products he/she cares about I find it disconcerting that bungee/activision seems to be ignoring the trends of its own community. As a community we are invested in this game, at $60 a pop definitely financially, but also emotionally. We have high expectations of bungee based on it's brilliant Halo series. We have high expectations, still, of Destiny. We are varied community of gamersthat range from RPG enthusiasts to PVP badasses. Maybe those two things can't coexist? And maybe it's time to stop trying. I've been reading the boards for the last two months and I've heard a resounding call for more RPG/PVE/MMO type elements in this game. People, myself included, appear to want deeper, Richer, more layered storytelling. They want a world they can invest in and live in for the few precious hours a day they can spend with destiny. People seem to want avatars that they can customize as a means of expression and individualization. They want surprise and dynamism, A world in flux in which they feel like they can affect some change. As it stands right now destiny is static, utilitarian, a place without surprise or innovation. How can I feel a legend when every day I do the same thing over and over, enemies spawn in the same place, nothing ever changes. I don't feel like a legend I feel impotent and ineffectual within the world of destiny. In fact it feels as if you're latest patch punishes innovation rather than rewards it. This is a heartbreaking development coming from bungie studios… It was halos INNOVATIVE gameplay and storytelling but pushed bungie to the forefront of FPS development. Please return to your roots. Patches that address player creativity and innovation are not supportive of a world we want to be invested in. Your community grew, in a large part, because of the way in which these innovations were shared. The way in which a community would grow organically in the real world. What you have done is divisive. If I find an exploit, a way to beat the boss quickly and efficiently, why would I share it now? My fear is that that information would get around and developers would "patch" it so that it couldn't be used again in the future, thereby spoiling my own innovation and creative thinking so that I couldn't use it for myself. Please stop ignoring your community. Reward the players that spend the time in your world. Let your community grow and support itself by being able to share creative problem-solving solutions. Instead of patching,innovate and create, give us new things to do within this world make it dynamic make it surprising, make it fun. Don't punish your players, learn from them. You're seeing an abundance of creativity, innovation, problem-solving, communication and community development and support. Learn from it, grow from it, incorporated into destiny.
Thats in the dlc due in 10 years.
Bumper Cars
Bumpadee bump
Damn 800 replies.
Thats for people on xbox that are really getting screwed. Nice ps4 gets 2 strikes. Makes me feel cheated.
Edited by Ender A Wiggin: 10/30/2014 8:03:56 AMWhile I too wish there was more included, the $20 price point is in line with other DLC released for destiny's peers. Take the Halo 4 dlc. 3 PvP maps for $10. With destiny's DLC we get that plus three story missions, a strike, a raid, and some new weapons/gear. That's got to be worth more than three PvP maps. DLC may be overpriced, buts it's not just destiny. DLC is how publishers are able to keep the original price at $60, even though the equilibrium price would be higher. It's essentially an economic concept called price discrimination which allows producers to charge consumers different prices for the same good. (Obviously it's not quite the same good because people who buy DLC get more, but the theory is the same) Consumers who have a higher maximum price they are willing to pay will buy the DLC, and the publisher will have charged them $80 while still charging the rest $60. The reason everyone is mad is because price discrimination reduces consumer surplus. The alternative is that the game released with a little bit more content at a price of like $70, and there would be no dlc. The best way to get more content is to be willing to pay for it. Welcome to capitalism!
Devs also release content this small as fee patches. I'd be willing to pay 2 or 3 dollars for more missions and gear but I'd like to be able to opt out of the raid.
Yeah, would be nice if they split it up so we could pick and choose, but at least this way everyone who buys it will have the same set of missions and maps.
If y'all aren't happy with the game would you kindly -blam!- off down the 2nd hand shop and trade it in. Leave those of us who knew what we were getting into alone with this awesome new world where the developers listen and get involved. Ass hats like you got to understand that Bungie have to pay bills too, they don't produce these games not to make a profit. In summary. Be grateful, quit your whining or -blam!- off. Peace.
Watch this video maybe you'll open your eyes. Cause we arent getting what we expected.
All this video proves is how narrow a perspective members of the community have. It's been a long process, one that Activision have had there fingers in from the get go. Heaven forbid a company should expect to turn a profit. And let's not forget how old the game is (less than two months) and considering the level of involvement from Bungie so far, I feel that what ever issues there are, have, can and most likely will be addressed. Let's not forget how good the Halo franchise and its support was. All of this bad sentiment screams of the sense of entitlement that no longer bears any credence. These companies don't have to pander anymore. They can produce a product and you can love it or hate. It is what is and citing my earlier point, stop spoiling it for everyone who read between the lines and used a modicum of common sense. This isn't even new behaviour. Take Skyrim for example. There are reports of whole pintail ranges visible via glitches, that never made it into the full game, DLC or not. Developers don't have all the power. Marketing and publishing always add there own venom to the mix and often high ideals make way for contractual obligations and market pressure. In conclusion. Stop your whining or stop playing. We all got better things to do and it seems better games to play. So go play em and leave the happy ones to waste there money as they see fit.
You are just wrong. These guys arent volunteers. They have a budget they have investors and sponsors they have a market to sell whatever they want at any given time this is capitalism. And [b]WE ARE PROFIT[/b].
Edited by TheBlazenReaper: 10/30/2014 7:52:50 AMYou all talk to much what a drag o we'll I Bump