How am I the biggest db when their are tons of other posts that are like omg greatest news ever, best update, destiny for life? Why did you choose this one to single out? Cuz it was the longest? Or just cuz you were itching to tell off someone and mibe was right there?
Also you"ll notice I both praised and chatised the game. Cuz thats how things work. You compliment the good and then pepper in issues you personally have with it(i.e thr fact they are not adding third subclass and the fact hunters are turning out to be usless for endgame content and that needs addressing).Trust I have many MANY more issues but I wanted to bring light to those two. And besides even 2 more strikes a raid and some maps is more than we have now and I bought the collectors so its already paid for so why not be looking forward to it.
Sure I could be salty that that is ALL we get...but thats not gonna change this update. The best way to handle it would be to politeful acknowledge the new content and at the same time articulate that for future updayes this kind of low amount of updates is unacceptable to the audiance and earn (as many have) that if this is the way it will be then they are in danger of loosing many fans to halo and the new cod. Thats productive not commenting on others posts calling them out of their name.
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