Hey, bungie since you guys like to answer questions every week, riddle me this.
Why is it that I paid the same amount as a sony platform user for the game and expansion pass yet I get less content?
Is my money and less green? Does it have less value?
What in the heck are you guys problem?
At least give the xbox players a REASON why you are screwing us over, why we have to wait a year to get things that comes standard for sony platforms. We just want to know why.
Simple thought if you bought the ps4 for a 100 dollars less then the Xbox then you would not be working about the 20 dollar destiny dlc. To add if you hate the game so much why are you worried about it in the first place. Just saying.
The xbone is $50 less dumb.ass
Guess you JUST got one. Good for you.
No I got one in June but I got the kinect less one which is (gasp) the same as a ps4
Yeah sorry you bought to crackbox bud everyone I know returned it.
Haven't gotten next gen so the 100 dollars doesn't relate to also never said I hated the game just want to know why the are chopping off content.
Good question
well the honest truth is people will just have to deal with it every system has its perks and problems ps3 doesnt get all the add ons xbox does in some games and the same goes for ps3 not getting add ons xbox gets thats just life just be happy your not a pc gamer lol they dont even get to play it
Are you sure pc gamers would [i]want[/i] to play Destiny after reading about what a cluster f--k it has become?
Y would I want to get more than one strike? Are you crazy. Xbox players are perfectly fine getting the bad end of the deal because Microsoft thought BUNGIE would be faithful after years of Halo on the Xbox and didn't pay them as much as sony
So because I paid the same amount as you I should get screw how do I deserve a bad end of anything? did I walk into bungie off and say hey I just bought you now you can't sell halo to sony sit down bungie and get -blam!-ed. No I'm the consumer who wants the same rights to play the game to the same extent as my counterpart.
Truth comes out. Because of money. Nuff said.