[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
Edited by iDeadpool x 204: 10/30/2014 12:14:49 AMY'all shouldnt even put the patch of random teleports on the raid!' We dont need it get rid of it like honestly players will throw ur game away without a doubt cuz most players i have played with are really pissed off cuz of the random teleports and you guys nerfed the goblins and minotaurs too like wtf we cant kill them tbh its impossible now most people say screw the raid and the game went garbage after you guys patched it and almost everyones still getting kicked out of the servers after the patch like this game was fine before the patch and i understand about pushing atheon off but random teleports really?? Almost 80% of players dont even know what to do with the relic after the patch was up ive been doing the raid after they patched it and thats almost 2 days im on Atheons checkpoint on hardmode now and the players im in with in the raid dont know how to use the relic cuz they mostly push atheon off before the patch like if people who does know how to use the relic should get teleport and not get random teleport each time so take the random teleport off!!! And for what im hearing we just getting 3 story missions for the upcoming dlc we should have more than that like without the dlc we have 19 story missions thats totally unfair