So call me stupid, but what is going on now? What's wrong with the Xbox?
Xbox users (myself included) are a bit disappointed with point of the expansion dlc we paid same price for as PlayStation user will not be getting the full dlc for about a year or so after it releases. So in short we mad we not warned that hey before you buy this dlc remember it not complete dlc we offering in ads, thats for PlayStation players exclusive for first year.
I would agree that there was no official warning for Xbox users but i think bungie made it apparent that they tend to side with play station users which I think is totally unprofessional
So basically we still get the dlc just not all of it?
Yep so it not end off world bad just kinda disheartening that they couldn't have gave a bit off heads up before charging us full price for half product.
Sorry for all the questions. But what aren't we getting?
From what has been let none we will not be getting 2 missions and a strike on xbox, till tba (to be announced)
A true year as in 12 months or by 2015 meaning could be 2 .2 months?
The world may never know...