To all those who won't buy the dlc: Fine, for whatever reason you have, feel free to play the vanilla game or move onto something else (and stop flaming on these forums).
To those who say Bungie screwed you over: Why do keep coming back here to keep getting screwed over? Nothing will change as long as you stay here. Just leave, get your refund, and/or write an angry letter to Bungie (Email, we have enough forum rants). At this point all you do is spout toxicity all over the forums and that gets nothing done.
For those who will buy the dlc: I look forward to playing the game with people who actually enjoy it. See you in the dark below!
Yah a 20-30 dollar refund when I paid 60 for then game then 30 for dlc and pre order so that Abt 100$ I can get for about 25 bucks yah I'm good I'll play a different game till this one is fixed then maybe I'll be back
I see your conundrum, but isn't there always risk in pre-ordering games, or in fact any other merchandise? Think about the people who pre-ordered Colonial Marines to find it to be trash or the new iPhone only to have it bend in their pockets. Even movie tickets are a gamble for your money. The best thing you can do is read reviews and be informed before making a purchase, no matter how tempting the pre-order exclusives are.
I love this game I'm not hating on it I'm just saying tryin to return it for my money back is a terrible idea keep the game it will get better halo wasn't perfect the first time around and neither was black ops so I'll wait it will get better I have faith
Ok yeah, was kinda just ranting on another point I thought was important.
Sir you are a gentleman and a scholar Arcdeos
agree man
Um 90% of the people complaining also enjoy the game, which is why they are so passionately trying to rescue it from failure and make it the game it deserves to be. For some reason Bungie can't get their heads out their butts long enough to listen to their own fans which they've said they care so much about. This game has so much unrealized potential it's literally frustrating watching it stagnate and die from the unresponsiveness of its own creators.
I agree. I agree not unless it would be a programing nightmare.
But the way those people complain (i.e the toxicity) makes them sound like they are about ready to send death threats to the devs. Why should they take those comments seriously when they sound like children who just discovered bad words? I have seen many legit and well reasoned complaints and I am fine with that, but they have an etiquette that most others do not.
Everything in life is toxic (I.E. The bullshit BUNGIE keeps trying to spoon feed us.) I bought the damn game so if I wanna spew toxicity and rant on the forums, well damnit I will.
Just because you can do it, does that make it right? Do you think doing so will eventually fix the game, or that Bungie will remake the game to your image? If you feel you are cheated then it is okay to share those feelings, but at some point the repeated toxicity will lose its meaning and turn to flaming/trolling. At that point all you are doing is hurting the community, and people will ask you to leave. I'm not saying this will happen to you, just that the reason why toxicity is bad is because it can bleed over and hurt others actually enjoying the game.
[quote]But the way those people complain (i.e the toxicity) makes them sound like they are about ready to send death threats to the devs. Why should they take those comments seriously when they sound like children who just discovered bad words? I have seen many legit and well reasoned complaints and I am fine with that, but they have an etiquette that most others do not.[/quote]I agree voice your opinions like civilized people please!
Agreed! Toxic children.
why dont more people like you exist youve restored my faith in this forum thank you
No no no! I'll see you first in the Dark below