It would of been nice to know upfront that another strike would be locked out on Xbox. If this wasn't a paid update I could understand it but this is like going to the gas station and getting less gas for your money just because your drive a chevy and not a ford. I'm declaring this as HORSECOCK.
Yes. Bloody horsecock sir
Would HAVE. Not of.
Lol I've never seen someone type "would of". It's like he spelled it out phonetically. It's very possible this guy made it to his mid 30's without knowing the existence of contractions. Could of Should of Would of
Damn it, I see it all the time. I hate to be grammar police but.... No, no I don't hate it. I love being the grammar police lol
Yea me too. Check out this meme I just made. First one I've ever made and I think it's spot on [IMG][/IMG]
Hahaha, right on man!
ORRRRR, the other way to think about it is if you go to the gas station with your Chevy (xbone) and get 10 gallons of gas for $30, but I take my Ford (ps4) to the gas station and that station made an agreement that with people who buy a Ford get 12 gallons of gas for $30 (2 extra gallons). Your Chevy isn't getting less gas, I'm just getting more
Ah, the cup half empty/half full paradox
still smells of horsecock to me.