I'm excited but pissed at the same time.
1) who the **** is Crota
2) why does he look like a retarded human
3) is there going to be more of a story line now
Crota is not shown anywhere howd u get that idea? thats eris she's not human. Crota is a Hive god. Yes theres more story
Wow dude, the reason they are making dlc about him IS to tell his story and expand on the little we know. Have you never played a game before? That is the point of dlc to expand the game and its story.
1) Crota is the hive god like figure who killed countless of guardians. 2) That isn't Crota, that is a new npc coming to the game. 3) Yes and no. Yes it will give more details on the story perhaps, but also no because they are slowly releasing story missions as more dlcs come out later. I'm happy, as I've been waiting for the exspansions. I been having fun with the game and so have my friends. New exotics that I can't wait to obtain.
1) Who cares 2) Who cares 3) Of course not
I love how people complain about the storyline (completely valid in some circumstances); but when something is clearly explained in the game, with a mission called "The Sword of Crota" makes me want to slap someone in the face
He has a massive sword and is leader of hive there needs to be more info on a main character!!!
Grimoire, dumbass
I have 2200 grimoire so shut up.
You also have 100/100 in the "bitch" attribute. Read the grimoire and stfu.
Well done you've mastered the "keyboard warrior" attribute dick head
You should see me in person
Why's that? If it's coz you're going to "beat me up" I'd like you to try
Edited by Oscar Brown Jr: 11/7/2014 12:02:04 AMNo, tough guy, it's because I'm exactly the same in person. Besides, I'm not afraid of anyone named evilpickles.
And I'm not afraid of Jr's
Shut up.
Shut up dude
Did you read bro? The npc pictured is a new character that be in the tower to offer new missions..Crota is a hive warrior of incredible power who was destroying guardians with his dark and powerful sword...as much is said in the sword of crota mission(my personal favorite)
But you know nothing about him apart from the fact that he has a massive sword and that he is leader of the hive...
What else do you want to know? -_- he is a giant copy pasted knight with a few small differences just like atheon is a glorified minotaur.
Atheon is a goblin
If you played the hell mouth strikes on the moon. You know who he is.
I know who he is but there is no back story on him apart from that he is leader of the hive
He isn't the leader he is like a high general Oryx is the leader
But who's oryx though... I know he's mentioned in the shrine of oryx but that's it.
He has not been seen by a signal guardian, he shows up in many times in hive ritual text and all the sects basically worship him